
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Xang, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    (definite name change but for now im sticking with it, shout out some names if you know a good one for the map)

    So this is a little 2v2 map I have been working on for quite some time thats based off of the map Narrows. Its nearing the end and is almost done but I still need to finish both of the bases, add cover her and there, and add aesthetics.

    I just have a few pics, I dont want to show everything.


    As you may have noticed there are 2 pathways at the bottom, one on each side. Im probably going to replace the lifts with those walkways because I dont see a lift working to well on this map, leave a comment if you think otherwise!
  2. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    I smell a Narrows Remake. Great job Xang! Looks awesome. What Gametypes will work with this map besides 2v2 Slayer. This looks amazing besides the fact that you made like 20 Jumping Map. Good Luck Dude!
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Well slayer, hopefuly like 2v2 CTF, since thats what narrows is basically best at. Also I didnt make 20 jump maps, thats pretty close though... Thanks for the encouragement though, Ive never fully completed a slayer map before but im really going to try with this one!
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I love Narrows, probably my second favourite map in H3 behind The Pit, good choice of inspiration imo. I toyed with making a 4v4 size map, less heavily based on Narrows than yours but still inspired by, and thought around the same problem with man-cannons as you're talking about. You may want to check out MickRaider's map Archipelago, he implemented man-cannons in a somewhat similar way to Narrows, and pretty effectively too.

    Alternatively you could try out tele's in place of the man-cannons, they're instant as opposed to just quick, but over the smaller scale that this map looks to have it could be a workable possibility. In fact, as it's 2v2 the style of play could make teles a really interesting and suitable choice, depending on how you finish up those areas and do spawns etc. Either way, I really think that the man-cannons on Narrows add an essential path option to what is otherwise a simple side to side map, the quick transition from one end to the other is key as a balance against the main, walking routes (top, bottom mid), this is even more important in successfully emulating Narrows CTF's nice balance as I see it. Much as those walkways on either side of your map are really pretty, and I definitely think you should keep them in anyway, I'd say that having the quick route offered by cannons or possibly teles would be key in making a design like this work.

    Also, on the note of those walkways, are you going to link them up to the top of the bridge at their peaks? Or are they going to remain completely cut off from above and part of the lower path? Also, how are you planning to work spawns, for Slayer in particular? Like default Narrows with no set team sides, or red and blue set spawns like MLG TS Narrows?

    But in general, what you have so far looks really nice, I'll be really keen to see where you go with this.
    #4 Pegasi, Mar 23, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2010
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Bottom mid shouldn't be completely level. If you can make it so that it hills over like the top, or even make it like Narrows where the ends are lower than Rockets, I think it would work much better... especially considering the length of that area. Other than that, it looks really good so far! I hope to get a game on it soon!
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Saw this last night, its looking great! I'm interested in seeing how you'll block the LOS in the bottom area since it's completely flat.
  7. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Its look like Narrows ! Good start and i hope you will post it faster to play on it !
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I really want to make cannons although the huge issue with that is mancannon manipulation, people can use the lift to get to the top of the map which really wouldnt work for gameplay. I probably will end up putting teleporters but I`ll have to see if that will work out once I finish the rest of the map, mainly the bases. Also with the spawns I will probably put no set team sides since this map is even smaller then narrows so there will just end up being more spawn killing. Though if i end up setting it up for MLG I will make it red and blue spawns.
  9. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    [FONT=&quot]Echelon would be a cool name for it...

    I like the look you have so far keep it up.
  10. IILilNinjiII

    IILilNinjiII Ancient
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    Ya I liked it. It had an extremely sexy lay out. The tin cup grass thing looked sweet also I could see some issues here and their but they could easily get cleaned up. GL on the rest of the map xD. I bet the bases will look amazing also.
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Yeah, the man-cannon issue is a good point tbh, it's incredibly difficult to get top mid using them on Narrows and I'm guessing it's much easier when trying on this map, also the map is smaller as you say so it'd just break route balance completely if people got good at it. I genuinely think there's merit in the tele idea though, even aside from the quick route point in general, with the smaller size and resulting faster gameplay, the increased speed of a tele route could be the perfect match instead of cannons. You could also factor in the point that the tele's would, like the cannon entrances on Narrows, be visible from many parts of the map, most importantly the point where it's actually taking you. It would mean that use of the tele would have to be a smart quick push, and not a sneaky once since you'd have to either go in knowing you couldn't be seen or when you could and knowing you could make it work. Conversely, people would for once not be able to see use of a tele and immediately say 'tele's= bad, they cause camping'. Imagine switching the cannons on narrows for teles, then try camping them. Point made. It was kinda a random suggestion at first, but with the LoS factor surrounding where and how they'd be implemented on a map like this could very well be the perfect demonstration of why they're not a stupid addition to Forge.

    Fair logic, I'd say that's the right call in principle. Also, since both are dependant on the nature of the bases once you finish them, like you mentioned above, do you know at this stage roughly how they'll be designed?

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