Relive WWII in this recreation of one of historys most epic battles!!! 6-14 players use the storm the base gametype NORMANDY BATTLE by Toastman 500 and snow5man did a little help. You are probably thinking "man some fried chicken would be BOMB right NOW!", and you are also thinking "what's with the name? And how does he know what I'm thinking?' Well I was working on making an awesome mansion on foundry when my friend snow5man joined the game. He said that my map kind of looked like a bunker, So I went with the idea and made a D-Day map. I didn't want to call it 'D-Day' or 'Bunker Hill" or anything like that, so I just went with Normandy Battle. On to the specs! This map features a large mansion-looking german bunker. If you are attacking, your job is to break in and arm the bomb, destroying the base. THERE IS ONE WAY IN, ONE WAY OUT. I really wanted to make something unique, so I gave the attackers a class-based spawn system. Believe me, it's fair ( I have done MANY playtests ). The bomb is right next to the arming station, so there's no fussing over bomb carrier stuff. And you can't disarm the bomb, BECAUSE IT'S REALLY HARD TO GET TO IT. This map features a working door. Cool. All spawns work, and the map is only made for the gametype included. The only problem in this is spawn killing and camping, so don't be a noob! -Attackers classes- Carbine and AR SMG, Shotgun, Spike Grenade, and Regenerator Rocket launcher, Radar Jammer, Turret, and Flamethrower BR, Flare, and Mauler Defenders have ARs, BRs, Snipers, 2 Turrets, Carbines, and SMGs. Front of bunker 'Boats' that attackers come from Class spawn system Over view of inside the bunker Me shooting a turret View form upstairs turret A great sniping spot. Just small enough so you can't escape. Also the sideways fence wall is accessible. Bomb spot And if you are wondering why I only put in a couple screenshots of my maps I only have room for 9 screenshots in my screenshots. Any way enjoy! Map - : Halo 3 File Details Gametype - : Halo 3 File Details
I have seen a map like this called fort dixon (never seen it on forgehub though) that plays without spawn camping and has a much more complicated and interesting base. I do not see how spawn camping could not be a problem since you have a turret and sniping windows placed towards the attackers teleporters. Defenders could even stand on the teleporters to block them or stand behind for assassinations. Requires honor rules therefore belongs in the casual maps section. Please ask a moderator to move it for you. DO NOT POST IT AGAIN IN THE OTHER FORUM.
ok the map looks good. the structure built for the defenders is really nice. good weapon placement and looks well built. the only thing that i can talk badly about is the attackers advantage. there is none. It looks like spawn camping could happen easily and that does take away from gameplay a lot. i would suggest a V2 and just create more structures for the attackers. it would help a lot! good map ^ an Pyro 6666. you dont have to be a ****. not everyone know where to post maps. and thats your opinion where he posts it. you were right about the attackers but it doesnt change the maps purpose. be constructive. not negative