Rats Obstacle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by SOG DaMorg, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. SOG DaMorg

    SOG DaMorg Ancient
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    Ok, I think I get the rules this time...please let me know if you do not agree...

    This is a race that has different obstacles within it. The race includes the outside of rats nest, 8 man cannons for lap count reasons and some obstacles on the long straight away, you better be going fast when you go through there...

    Map: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=30769773

    you start out in the middle below the turret, you drive out of that door to your right


    you follow that around on the outside of rats nest...

    u get to the straightaway where you encounter the "obstacles," then, if you get through them (let me pause and tell you that if you do not use bungie 500 on this one, then you will probly die very easily here)



    then you will keep going on the outside of rats nest...


    you come to the pelican side straight away, where I have the most awesome jump setup with man cannons shooting you into the gate, a lot of my clan members have downloaded this map just for the jump i made, its not difficult to make but it makes the jump a whole lot more fun...and then you are at the beginning again...

    this map is best played with on the all popular BUNGIE 500...


    and then here are some action shots...








    #1 SOG DaMorg, Apr 25, 2008
    Last edited: May 4, 2008
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I'm mostly seeing Rat's Nest with a few shield doors, but I'm sure it would be fun to race on
  3. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    this seems very simple and the fusion coils look like they would knock you around alot, but i guess that that was the idea.
  4. ShadowSpartan94

    ShadowSpartan94 Ancient
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    When You go off the mancannon jump do you get back into the race track?
  5. SOG DaMorg

    SOG DaMorg Ancient
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    it is very simple but once those fusion coils going, it can be madness with 2-16 people in there...:p especially if you use bungie 500, then you wont die that quickly...at least make vehicles indestructible :p, trust me, you will need it...
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Thats what it looks like to me. Or else you just stop after 1 lap
  7. SOG DaMorg

    SOG DaMorg Ancient
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    yes, the mancannons shoot you over the barriers, and I have them at just the right angle so that you do not hit the wall of the tunnel at the other end of the straight away :) making the longest jump on rats nest ;)
  8. SOG DaMorg

    SOG DaMorg Ancient
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    o, as a side note, there are 32 fusion coils set up in that straight away, and I have it set to 5 minimum...I had it set at 10, but I could never get through :p
  9. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Ooh, just a tip, no double posting. If you want to add more, click the Edit button at the bottom right of your post
  10. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    wouldn't that create lag though?
  11. SOG DaMorg

    SOG DaMorg Ancient
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    my bad about the double posting, tons of people were asking me quesitons at once while I was still on...:)...

    and surprisingly, no, I played with 8 guys on this map and there was no lag whatsoever...I think its because the rest of the map is simple and the fact that only 5 fusion coils are on the map at any one time helps aswell...
  12. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    youre still basically just racing round the egde of the map with a few fusion coils raining down and on jump so its not really that special. Thats not to say it isnt fun but you proabaly get bored off it pretty quickly.
  13. SOG DaMorg

    SOG DaMorg Ancient
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    that is true, it is simple, but my clan and I have played this on our game nights for a couple of weeks now and no one has gotten bored of it, first off, the fusion coils are unpredictable, you dont know which fusion coils are going to drop and blow up and if they do hit you, will you go straight up, or will you get shot backward, or to the side or will you get a lucky break and get shot all the way past all the fusion coils, you never know, its always a surprise ;)...and the jump is unpredictable aswell, even going off it straight will probly translate into a backflip, but go off that thing while swerving and there is a definite 360 in it for you, with a chance of a flip :)
  14. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    that does sound fun but i dont know i mean therse still two empty corridors at either end couldnt they have some kind of obstical within them?
  15. SOG DaMorg

    SOG DaMorg Ancient
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    you may be right...i will have to consider that, mostly i was thinkn about lag when i was thinking about content, but i guess one or two things in those straight aways wouldnt be too big of a deal...thanks...;)
  16. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    What stops people from just walking through the sheild doors as a shortcut?
  17. SOG DaMorg

    SOG DaMorg Ancient
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    this is where using bungie 500 comes into play, it makes people run very slow, and because of the extra gravity, there is no way to score without a mongoose :) good question though, I definitely think about "cheating" in any map i make...
  18. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Im just being honest: This is just Rat's Nest with a few barriers and fusion coils. I appreciate the effort, but a very old idea.

  19. SOG DaMorg

    SOG DaMorg Ancient
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    old? has anyone done this already? I know its simple but it has to be to prevent lag, just play it and then tell me what you think, it would only take like 10 minutes out of your day...it may be simple, but the experience and replayability is what counts in a race game...am I right?
  20. SOG DaMorg

    SOG DaMorg Ancient
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    ok...I finally got all my pics up and running perfectly, thank you all for being patient...

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