I had an idea for a terminator gametype, wanted feedback. It would be an FFA VIP game, max of 8 players (8 one man teams), and somewhat like juggernaut each person gets one round as the terminator (VIP) to get as many kills as possible (which score 1 point). VIPs death ends the round, but as killing it would be a team effort, there are no points scored. Every other player would be united against the terminator. The terminator would be black, do much higher damage, be slower, weigh more, take high damage, higher shield recharge, immune to headshots... not sure what weapons they'd start with. Base players would be normal speed, maybe take and do higher damage, infinite ammo, regen grenades.... not sure what else. thought of this while rewatching the sarah connor chronicles... how could you make a terminator game in halo?? open to input
Yeah sorry to burst your bubble but this is practically Juggernaut. The only difference is that in your version the Juggernaut's death ends the round.
i know its similar, i said so above, i just like the idea of everyone having one round instead of it changing constantly during the game
I did something like this a long time ago... back when The Pit came out. Can't remember but I think I did it as an infection variant. Alpha Zombie was the T-850. 2000% shields and 75-90% speed. Able to pickup weapons. Zombies were T-800 with 1000% shields and 75-90% speed. Able to pickup weapons. Last Man Standing was John or Sarah Connor. Could run a notch quicker and either had a small increase in health or shields ( body armor ). Also a notch more damage since they were more experienced with the Terminators and knew it's weaknesses better. It was rocket and spartan laser mayhem. Unfortunately there's too many idiots out there and think they can take on a Terminator up close. Games ended way too quickly.