A nice little Remake of wack-a-mole on sandbox NOTE: I know this map is not original, I'm merely giving people an opportunity to upgrade form foundry version. gravity hammer spawns at 60 sec. instant re-spawn for grenades. zombie and humans have 45 sec to leave start point before kill balls spawn. NOTE: zombie is invulnerable he is faster then humans he WILL KILL YOU so don't try and assassinate him you will FAIL NOTE: you can not jump out of map gravity is 200% How to play if you don't already know. IF YOU ARE THE ZOMBIE:----------------------------- IF YOU ARE HUMANS: [once grav-lift appears get out of the tunnel ---------- [get on a mongoose and drive!] pick up spikies and throw them at the heads of people under the boards] LINKS: IMAGES: HAVE FUN! =^.^=
It's okay, nothing I would send to friends but keep trying and improving. And actually you can get out of map, you should increase the wall height.
or better still, roof it off. and the map looks ok, but everyone here who wants a whack-a-mole game already has one, it is no longer original and this has to be at least the 4th remake i've seen. Looks decent but next time try something no one has seen before, or a unique twist (which the spikes are i'll grant you that)
It is impossible to get out of the map with 200% gravity i have tested it many many times if you can id like you so invite me and show me....And please don't invite me to waste my time=( --- i know this map isn't original hence ( remake at the top) but i have not seen one on sand box befor so i just made one. People like to upgrade form foundry so i gave them the opportunity to do so.