This is Synergy City. IT was built back in 1943. Constanly there were 911 calls due to strange reports of creatures in the area. In the town there is houses, aparment builings, a cemetary with graves, ( you go in them once you die) smaller houses a dump etc. Some of the rubble from the builings is climable. There is also a old abandonded church. This is where you first spawn. Break out of the curch befour the zombie or werewolf breaks out of the grave. 20 seconds into the game there werewolf or zombie is released. Then all hell breaks loose. Werewolf On werewolf you will want to hide, on The plague you will want to fight For were wolf the werewolf is a beast. He has 110% speed, 500 damage resistance and immunity to head shots. He deals normal damage but can be a killer if your cought alone. However only one werewolf starts. Once you are bitten by the Werewolf, you become a werewolf minnion. The minnions of the werewolf have 200 damage reistance and immuity to headshots with 100% speed. The trick to this variant is to keep moving, if you stay in one area to long the wolf will find you. If you keep switching from area to area you will be safe. This varriant makes a fast, fun and suspensful game. Only funny thing about this is that the wolf comes from the grave witch is alttle bit weird. Werewolf The Plague On the plague, its more of your classic zombie game. 25% zombie start, 200 % damage resistance with no sheilds and immunity to head shots. Last man dose not change and all zombies are the same. The zombies start in the cemitary under the graves and burst out 20 seconds into the game and unleash hell on the humans. The round last 8 minnuits. The Plague The Map The map features all the basic city needs. Like a chruch, a few houses, city hall, some traps, a dump, climable buildings etc. Its a little open. but the postioning of the buildings make it like a checker bored kind of. so the map is open but no open in a sesne were humans can stand on the other side of the map and fire and kill the zombie from long distance away. Its like the map gridlocks building arangement. Weaponds This map has basic weaponds witch are Battle Rifle x7 Assult Rifle x4 Sniperfile x2 Shotgun x2 Magnum x4 Bruteshot x2 SMG x3 Flamethower x1 ( never re-spawn) Coveanant Carbine x1 Equipment Frag grenade x8 Plasma grenade x8 Firebomb x2 Spike grenade x2 Tripmine x1 Powerdrane x1(useless) Regenerator x2 Photos One overveiw in it you can see the some buildings, and other things Ahh the cemitary, 20 seconds into the game zombies and werewolfs break loose from each of the graves and unleash hell. then once you get killed you end up in the grave and break loose like the ones that killed you did The church Climable building Dump Cityhall outside window Outside cityhall A house that has a loft Mini bunker Another House SHHH KEEP QUITE THE WOLF IS IN THE HOUSE..!! Previously on my other maps, i posted them befour playing them alot. This map i have played quite a bit and alterd a few things, Some members of forgehub have played the first one. Well if your one of thoes people i fixed the things that wererrong and played them lots since. Map Here
Looks nice, I like the interlocking and the whole coming out of the grave thing. Adds a cool touch also the city looks really nice and well made. I am going to que it and maybe play it later.
This looks pretty good, seems like you've put some thought into it. My only worry is that it appears to be very open, have you tested it.
this looks great. i really love the grave idea. Thts so cool having the zombies come from the graves... great job, zstrike
Its like a checkerbord kinda, it is open but the buildings are set in away so while playing it it dosn't seem to badly open. Also ive played it lots
Thats what I wanna hear. You've earned yourself a download and a virtual handshake. I'll give it a try. My only problems with the foundry maps is that they're too small. I made a really good map but when I was done I walked from defenders base to attackers base and it took me like 10 seconds. I know it wouldn't be that easy under fire but I wish that Bungie had actual made a large, blank room. I hate those cranes with a passion. Sorry I rambling I'll let you know what I think after I've tried it.
no problem, im in the excat same vote, i really wish that in the legendary dlc the added a secret forge area like under avalanch. foundry is just to small, i also wish we could change the demisons of the map also. Agreed
Yeah right before the Herioc DLC was announced I was talking with my mates and how I hoped Bungie'd make a map dedicated to forge. I love Foundry, no doubt, but there's soo much I wanna change. The wall/barriers are actually straight, not like this - | __________________________________________. / and that it was actually an enormous blank square map.
lmao wow thats awsome its gunna be fun with zombies coming out of their graves owning ppl this would also be great for a machinima
So cool, like a good movie. Werewolves break out around the town. Good to see something other than zombies
Okay, Ive checked it out. Its actually really good, a bit more interlocking would that much better. I take back what I said, it isn't too open. The part which needs to be interlocked is the building, thingys, (the Double box with two single boxes stacked on top), for aesthetic reasons, they should be interlocked. Otherwise, very well done.
its pretty good but i know how you can make the houses alot better... put a corner wall on a single box and it makes it look like a peak of a house! !!! good job
thoes houses are way to small and if there open houses, ( with open boxs) you can't hide in them, my houses have shape and you can hide in the lofts in them.
I was glad to have tested this, I love the whole feel of the map. I urge anyone who loves infection to DL.