Ok so I ghost merged a box on longshore i make sure it's strait, let's say the box I ghost mege was red when I placed it. After I save and reboot after a BTB with a friend I find the box's color changes to blue... And the straight box bent 5 degrees. Is there something wrong with my xbox? Because I've never seen a complaint about the box moving postion... Anyway to stop either problem?
Ummm..... I kinda confused. This doesn't happen much of the time. "5 Degrees" Like Forgehub is gonna check for perfect boxes.
Try Forging with your connection set to local and see if that helps. If that doesn't help, which to be honest probably won't, send me, GT: Silly Box Cat, a friend request and I'll see if I can find any problems with what you're doing.
i dunno about the box moving, but i know sometimes the box color isn't something that is saved, its random (correct me if i'm wrong here). I was making a map on avalanche where i wanted to do some red and blue labeling with the big container boxes, but they change color with every load
I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM....kinda. But yes when you ghost merge the colors never stay the same. I was working on a map the other day and i geomerged some boxes on sandbox to form a ramp and they ended up way out of place. The best way is to just keep trying over and over, not much else one could do.
Any idea why the box moves? Because this happens on all maps, and most objects and I'm getting reaaaalllllyyyy pissed
Forge is no map creator, its a map editor. The Pre-DLC Maps had no objects to create a map, just to change the gameplay, so the little spawn things (blue things) move themself a little bit aftr saving, because when you place a weapon, noone cares if its perfect or not. Boxes just act as big weapons, they move too, but when trying to create a floor with them, it should be perfect. Its not your fault, neiher you xboxs, its just forge
Forge Editor saves objects to the nearest Vector point, therefore if you placed it flat and u save your map, it is common to find the box shifted (usually about 2 degrees). It is most noticeable on SANDBOX when placing double walls. There is a way to solve this problem. 1 solution is to use the box that shifted, as a brace, that way every box you place thereafter will be already set to these invisible vector points. As far as color coding that is another issue. Basically its a pain in the ass, but after you save your map, then load it up again, the boxes are that color permanently. To change the color, quickly grab the box and release it (If it is ghostmerged brace it with teleporter nodes), then save the game again. When you load up the game again- with any luck the box is the color you want it, if not try again (IT IS A HUGE PAIN IN THE ASS, but totally worth it) It is also important to note that maps like LONGSHORE and BLACKOUT suffer from additional issues, such as that if you merge with the scenery the object will dissappear or bounce back within the elastic barrier. best of luck
^ that guy pretty much said it out straight... Its called the Earthquake effect, or is most commonly known as that. The Earthquake effect, is not linked to colour changing at all, its just the item moves in the direction the tear drop faces if its not directly linked in a vector. When ghost merging, i tend to get the earthquake effect before placing, after pushing an item into a template and getting the object to have no properties, i press RT and the object shifts slightly. This is because once templated, the vectors arent set. As mentioned above, its better to place the item as it is, brace it in place with teleporters etc.. and then end game, start a new game and remove the braces. For colour coordinating: See post #4 in this thread Colour Coordinating All of the above is just my understanding and what i've picked up from others, it may not be completely correct, but it may help you figure out what you need to do to avoid it.
Just a quick question for you... when you ghost merged the object, was the teardrop merged into the map geometry? I'm finding that if the teardrop is in the map geometry, then the object has issues when you reload the map on a new session. I just geomerged some tube pieces in the crypt of sandbox. tube pieces and a y-piece became unmerged when i reloaded the map, but a corner piece did not. Then I realized that the corner tube was the only object that didn't have the teardrop within the map geometry.
Yeah... noticing that now. Fortunately the pieces in Sandbox are symmetrical and can be flipped just about any direction and still look the same. Flipped my tube pieces upside down and all pieces remained geomerged after a few reloads of the map.
Strangely, the problem YOU'RE having only applies in the crypt of Sandbox. In addition to the above solutions, I've found simply saving and quitting before placing an object (even in ghost merge) helps to avoid shifts like that as well as preventing the damn thing from disappearing. Then again, my maps have never really required such precision. I'd talk to someone who builds racetracks (well). They'll probably be able to help you.