Not sure if anyone plays Pokemon anymore but here's a thread if you do. I've found a few things that might be secret: You can catch Lugia and Ho-Oh in both versions just one after the Hall of Fame. You can get the Kanto starters by just going to Kanto You can get 16 badges, 8 from Johto and 8 from Kanto. You can catch Groudon in Silver and Kyogre in Gold. There's a lot of other things that I don't want to spoil. And does anyone know how to get the Train Pass? And how to catch Raquayza?
You get the train pass by going to the power plant, if you have the three legendary dogs already, Zapdos is just chiling there, beside the building. If it's anything like the old versions, you will have to go to the Cerulean gym to find a missing part. Give it to the power plant manager and he should give you a train pass. You get Rayquaza by first getting the game's Kyogre or Groudon Legendary. Then, you must trade the other Legendary from the other game (For example, if you have Soul Silver and get Groudon, you must trade a Kyogre from Heart Gold, Pal Park won't cut it). Have them both with you go to the place where you caught that legendary, and Rayquaza will be there.
If you guys attended the Gamestop Events for the Spiky Eared Pikachu, or Jirachi Events, you can time travel back in time to reveal who your rival REALLY is. Also, if you got Arceus from ToysRUs or from Action Replay or something, go to Violet City, and then go to the Ruins, go to the last scientific research house thing, and after some events, you can pick between Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina. My sucky ass team : Level 27 Croconaw (Hydroxy) Level 24 Dialga (Skywalker) Level 21 Growlithe (Duke) Level 26 Golbat (Dracula) Level 25 Flaaffy (Shack-Pack) Level 14 NidoranMALE (Elvis/HM Slave) Oh, might I add, I'M ON THE 6TH GYM.. Why do I suck at training my pokemon?
Um, you should probably only have two main pokemon. That way, they'll be higher levelled (I usually use my starter and train a Pidgey up). PS: What's with the wierd nicknames?
Ugh... I'm thinking of getting back into pokemon, idk if I'm willing to rebuild my empire again tho. I had pretty much every pokemon + some legendarys that you would want. I had a game from each segment:ruby, emerald, colluseum, firered, pearl. Idk, should I do it? My old party: Blaziken 100 zapdos ~82 Dragonite 100 kyogre ~90 sableye ~85 charizard 100 (would trade this out or ho oh) I wrecked. Idk, should i go get emerald and heart gold?
Not to budge in here, but this would work much better if we had all of the posts moved to the recent Pokemon General Discussion thread, I personally don't think that there needs to be a thread for both, but if you guys think this can merit it's own thread, then let it be. :]