Warsong Stadium Well guys , this is just another post for one of my maps, the maps called: Warsgon Stadium. (got the name of WoW ;P) This is bassicly a map made for 1. Griffball and 2. Soccer, its a huge stadium with 2 workin goals for soccer and 2 baskets for griffball. well this is how the stadium looks like: this is the red side of the stadium, the things you see are the goal and the dressin room with above a small tribune. this is the blue side, symmetrical to the red one. this is the blue goal, what you need to do is, you "kick" the ball by using your hammer and bruteshot in the goal. the cannonmans will hold him in the teleporter. when that happens the team who just scored can walk through the teleporters next to the goal to grab and plant the flag at the same time. and the round will end with a score of 1-0. if you try to get in the goal to "kick" the ball out you will be teleported to the dressin room. this also happens when you try to grab the flag without scoring first. and this is the blue teams dressing room, its just a small room with 2 benches with gold sticks on it. you will be teleported to here when you walk into the goal or the flag area. well thats it, it can also be played with griffball, i made 2 gametypes for this map WSG ball (soccer) and WSG griffball (griffball ofc >.<) so well i hope you like it, and plz download ! WSG : Ball WSG : Grifball WSG : Map
This looks like a good concept. I don't think that Griffball would work right with all the soccer mechanics useable. Btw, they're man cannons. Calling them cannonmans makes you look like a dumbass.
Golly, you're the nicest person I've ever met Nikko! Stop being mean. There are a million other ways you could have told him that. As for the map, I think it looks great, and I like how you used a flag rather than a bomb for the soccer mechanics to prevent Grifballers from cheating.
In order to rise from its own ashes, a phoenix first must burn. Cruelty is also a matter of perspective. ----- The forging looks iffy, from what I can depict from the pictures. Looks like the lighting is pretty heavy though, possibly a major distraction during gameplay? Idk. Look into that. Also, the court seems to be rather small and confined. A bigger court is always better, that's what I always say. Not great forging, but not horrible either. 2/5, I'd have to give it. Unoriginal idea, sloppy forging, etc. Try making it bigger and more unique!
Thanks for all the comments, i just wanna say some more things. The stadium is large, the goales are with there backs against the wall of the crypt. And i didnt want to make the map a square cuz well .. ive never seen a square stadium before >.<, and grifball can be played on it but indeed its kinda messy better get a real grifball map for that. The idea isnt original either. i ever downloaded this kinda map on foundry and i thought i would make something like that but then for sandbox. And what do you mean by bad forging? i interlocked nearly everything and i didnt need any ghostmerging. and that man cannon thingy .. yeah well im just a dumbass i guess ;P but thanks for the comments you guys
Dont thank them for calling you names when in forge they are called cannon mans. It seems to me they are criticizing based on looking at the post and have not downloaded the map, the gametype or tried out anything. Before you say it was a distraction looking at the lights, play a game on it! Personally I think the lights would help gameplay, because it makes the objective very clear. The originality is a concern. Good effort, but also try to think of original ideas too!
I like the idea and the goals and the map itself looks great but if people have brute shots and gravity hammers won't it be easy to get out?
i was waiting for someone to notice it, but the gametypes i made with it make it really hard to get out. still the ball can go out ive to admit but well i kinda ran out of money (its still hard, but possible) the gravity of every player has ben reduced by like 50%, also the players dont do a lot of damage and have much health which makes it also harder to get out of the stadium.