Bungie Reveals Halo: Reach Matchmaking and Social Features - Shacknews - PC Games, PlayStation, Xbox 360 and Wii video game news, previews and downloads Also, click the link, it has some very bonerific pictures of the menus Posted about 30 minutes ago I believe.
4 letter tags again like odst. I also like the player matching stuff and your criteria. They keep coming up with new stuff and it impresses me.
I dont even want to think about this, because then I'll get excited and I'll over-hype it and it wont live up to my expectations... (I.E. Brawl)
From the screenshots on this page, we now know that one map shown in the multiplayer trailer (the one with two large buildings and many passageways between the floors) is called Sword Base. Screenshots from Halo: Reach - 14167_4ba267ad8c993.jpg Also the veto'ing system may offer you to vote 'none of the above' however I think this might change for the actual game when all maps and gametypes are included. In the bottom right corner of the below screenshot, A 'credits' system is shown. (It says "104cR") This may be for unlockables (like armour and armour abilites) ? Or certain playlists ? Screenshots from Halo: Reach - 14167_4ba267ad8c993.jpg Now onto my opinions - it all seems to me like slight improvements. To be honest none of it is really siginificant, but i suppose it is all about streamlining this game to perfection which means building on what is already a great starting block (Halo's 1-3)
My only dislike in the entire thing is the new UI. Why does it need to be at such an awkward angle? What was wrong with flat UIs? In fact, it looks more professional for it to be flat. Anybody that played Smash Bros. will know much better the menus all look without the stupid C-stick angle rotations.
Wow, your right, it does look like a credits system. I agree, it's all improvements but isn't any sequel?
^^^ Agreed. Can't wait to see the final product, I just know it will be epic. The only thing right now I'm not liking is the name for that map... "Sword Base" >.>
Yeah, I was reading this on Bungie just before. Everything sounds really epic. This game is going to have something for everyone. Game of the year for sure. I still can't believe that the multi player footage is the ODST engine. The final game will have a much more powerful engine that we have not even seen yet! Can't wait.
Nice link, thanks man. I think I get arena now, but I'm still not clear on how it works in tandem with the 'other area' they mentioned. Is arena basically ranked, meaning there's effectively no ranked objective? If so then epic sadface. I like how Bungie are giving something to the highly competitive community, but high level competitive Halo is where objective really comes in to it's own.
Not sure if I'm going to like the new veto, or the merge of social and ranked games, but I have my faith in bungie that they won't screw this one up.
I'm gonna love the new veto! I'm likin' the UI, but it seems like it might take a bit(probably a good 10 minutes) to completely figure it out.
Yeah I think the new vetoing system is great. I always hated how I would be on a bad map and then get an even worse one. Now I will be given those four options. I can choose from three maps/gametypes or I could choose none of the above. I'm guessing none of the above will just go to a new map/gametype and then just start the game or it will just give a new list of choices.
Looks like good vetoing, good unity of community, and a great system for matching you with the best people to play with. Also, i like that you can play more games with the same group of people if they were good. That way, you dont have to waste as much time searching.
Woot woot for the new arena thingy! That's all I'm gonna do is forge and play in the arena. I'd better get good at Reach... Otherwise I'm just gonna sit in a corner and forge all the time. It's also nice that I will be able to choose whether or not I wanna play with loud people or not. All those quiet people are gonna be pissed when I join up with them...
yeaa it seems interesting to say the least. I don't fully understand it still, but I'm sure it wont take me long once i buy the game. Also this website has just tossed out another helpful article An In-Depth Look at Halo: Reach's Matchmaking and Active Roster
I'm not to sure about how it'll work either. To me it seems like your 'rank' will be reset each month, but a record of you previous ranks will be kept to help match you up with players of similar skill levels. So if you get to 40 each month, you be matched with other players who have achieved an average of 40 even though your displayed rank for this month may only be 10. Thats just what I'm thinking, I'm not entirely sure.