Reach the last halo game!?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by B3NW, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah i think 343 said something about spinoffs of the halo universe. Rainbows six style as a normal marine ftw. Id love to see some covie sinoffs, and yeah Halo Forerunner seems like an interesting project but hasn't that been a rumor for like 4 years now?
  2. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Well i remember in one of the ODST ViDocs they were talking about how the idea first came about, and what the game was going to be based on. And one of the ideas was to make a game about the Arbiter. So... maybe 343 might look back at that and see a great opportunity to make a great game. Because i personally would love to play as an elite, specifically the arbiter.
  3. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I know, but 343 Industries allows those companies to make extremely stupid ideas such as those Star Wars scenes with random vehicles that were never seen before, cheesy lines, storyline flaws, etc...

    I could see 343 making a Halo anime game kinda like what Zelda games did with "The Wind Waker". It would be complete rubbish...
  4. Plasma Rifle Elite

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    Just letting you know, that planet the Chief was heading for is the Forerunner's abandoned homeworld.
  5. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    DING DING DING! We have a winner! 343 and other game companies Microsoft hires will continue to make Halo games while Bungie makes something even better.
  6. mefire66

    mefire66 Ancient
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    When they made a game like halo CE they thought it would be the only game. When they finished it they wanted to make another one and this happened to all games except halo reach, except they havent finished it yet. I think they will think of a new game when reach is out like a game with forerunners against flood. That would be cool...
  7. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Number of games=profits

    Now that bungie is seperate from microsoft they have no buffer to fall back on if money is sunk into an unpopular game. That is to say, as long as halo games continue to sell well and turn an enormous profit, bungie will continue making spinoffs. ODST was like an overpriced expansion pack, after which no doubt should be left that halo games are created for money.

    "We knew in the begining what the end would be"
    Option 1: Bungie was just trying as always to make the whole story seem epic and make people think about the meaning of stuff like the terminals.
    Option 2: Return of the Covenant. There is no way every single covenant can be killed because some must have been left on planets untouched by war.
    Option 3: A new enemy. Most focus of the story is on the forerunners, and in the terminals they speak of every species having been cataloged. Could this include the forerunners themselves who are revived after the attempted firing of the rings.

    "There is no peace, only time between wars"
  8. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I thought about that after watching Halo Origins, why wouldn't they just freeze a male and female of their species, or clone or w/e they did.
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    What you say does make sense. Too much sense if you ask me. The forerunners obviously weren't stupid if they built the rings to contain the flood so they probablly "cataloged" themselves, but with the catch that it required someone on the outside to release the cataloged species. If the forerunners did not "put all their eggs in one basket" some could have survived the explosion of the ark, and the other "basket" could be the planet MC is floating towards at the end of Halo 3.
  10. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    they said odst was the last at one point, right? then reach... i wouldn't be surprised if sometime early next year they announce another.

    i also heard rumors of a new marathon
  11. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    New marathon game is supposedly what bungie itself is gona do. 343 will make more halo based games.

    @ Pyro yeah man i thought that too after watching it. But i thought that it said in the video the cryo deals or w/e they were, were set to open at a pre determined amount of time. Still idk why the Forerunner wouldn't have just froze theirselves also. Unless the last of them that cataloged everyone then had to make it to the rings to activate it.
  12. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    great, no you've gone and made me all giddy and nostalgic for their next, next project :(
  13. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Well the rumor of a new Marathon game has been going around since Halo 2. But seeing as how Bungie has left the halo series it is a definite possibility.
  14. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    My appreciation for Bungie does not spread beyond halo. If there is a marathon game, or myth, I wont play it. If they make a new game thats really awesome, well, maybe.
  15. MontageMedia

    MontageMedia Ancient

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    I would like to see what bungie does if they break from halo, and what 343 industries would do WITH halo. The only thing I would want to happen is that if Bungie gets bad ratings for the new game, go back to Halo.
  16. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    wow serious DEJA VU.. just been looking back in the posts on this thread and this post was from 2 months ago.. 2 months before the april fools vidoc about halo chess :L
    for those who have no idea what im talking about: YouTube- Halo: Reach Multiplayer ViDoc, Zugzwang Evolved
  17. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Does anyone actually have facts of anything to bring into this?
    Blind guessing is still not really getting us anywhere.
  18. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
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    I really don't want another Halo Game. If Reach is just as good as previous Halo titles, I wouldn't mind some DLC. Halo Chess would be awesome.

    Next I want so see an awesome viking game from Bungie. FPS (First Person Slasher). I think a Bungie RPG would be freakin' amazing as well.
  19. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    you are retarted doom. no more halo? wtf? i want halo halo halo till the day i die. the custom games are so freaking fun.
  20. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
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    As others stated, I don't want the Halo Franchise exhausted. I'm sure Halo custom games will be freakin fun on Reach for a long time.

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