It's kind of pissing me off how in every single search on google or FH for the phrase "Reach Forge" (or the like) all they come up with are results that have only to do with what people want to have in forge if it's coming to Halo Reach. But the funny thing is, in every thread, someone says "it's already been confirmed" and yet does not post a link to where they heard this. There are so many people that 'know' it's confirmed it seems like, yet so little evidence. Has it, or has it not. And if it has, where?
I'm pretty sure Bungie wouldn't be stupid enough to get rid of it. That said, I'm only educated guessing, and there is that 1% chance that it's not in there. God knows if there'll be Forge in the Beta, but I honestly can't see it not being a major part of the full game.
In the Halo Reach Discussion I'm pretty sure someone threw in a link to the confirmed gametypes.. recent pages. Also, I don't see how they wouldn't include forge.. its the only reason I'm playing Halo 3 after whats the count now..4 years?
Reach forge I think was confirmed in the game informer magazine; they said that Reach would have all of the game modes that Halo 3 had (e.g forge, theater, ect)
Adding on to this, a few Bungie Weekly Updates ago, they said something along the lines of "having every gametype that Halo 3 had, as well as a few more". So yeah, Forging's pretty much confirmed for the final release.
I believe in an interview somewhere floating along the sea of Bungie updates, I saw a Q&A saying that "all game modes will be included in Reach, Theatre, Forge, as well as one other one we're not quite ready to show to the public." Something along those lines, I think, or else my paranoia for hoping it has forge and is putting myself into a reality where you can already forge in Reach... .
Is this unconfirmed gametype War? The gametype where in matchmaking you fight either as elites or unsc and literally just join the fight whenever, people can leave and others can join in their place so one team doesnt end up severely out manned?
I am sure Reach will have Forge. Bungie is not stupid. They are probably waiting to reveal the information after the Beta. They don't want to unveil everything at once. They probably want to build the suspense. If it doesn't have forge, I am not buying it. Again, I am sure it does. Bungie knows it's the only reason most people still play Halo 3.
As he said, Bungie would be stupid not to include it. Lets face it bungie is make reach ofr the money and they know that they will make the most money by including forge. So it will be financially beneficial for them in both the short and long terms. So i can be fairly sure forge will be in Reach since the forging community is one of the only major parts of the halo 3 community left.
In the game informer article, it says, and i quote "... as always, Bungie has big plans for multiplayer. Bungie confirmed full feature parity with halo 3, but implied that there were several new features that remain under wraps. If nothing else, players can expect at least four player co-op online, 2 player co-op on split screen, save film features, 16 player competitive matches, and all the other modes that have become standard to the halo experience." that seems to imply that forge will be there, but its not 100%. Do you think its standard to the halo experience? I do
Yep it has. They said everything from Halo 3 will be back in Halo: Reach. They also said that in either a Podcast or a forum post.