Get Lightbulbs Hello there. As I'm sure everyone who's anyone knows, I actually made this crazy game a while ago. Well, I've been busy with school and stuff, so I haven't had a chance to actually post it until now. Now I know you care deeply about how this little beauty came to be, so allow me to tell you its story... Several months ago, I was messing around in Forge, and Timeless161 (AKA Morphine) happened into my party. Uninteresting things filled our conversation until he mentioned an idea for a minigame he had, but never actually made. It was to be an assault game in which the attackers had to fight to the top of a ramp to score, but every time the bomb carrier died, the bomb would roll back down the ramp. I messed around with the concept for another while, and I eventually settled on what you see here. NOTE There should be a flare in front of the bomb spawn. Pretty, isn't it? Don't worry. It's just the first version. Remember Phone is on hold? Yeah. I'm doing that thing again where I release the version I used for testing so that I can get better feedback on the game before I make the nice version. ____________________________________________________________ Get Lightbulbs Welcome to the real start of the thread. That was merely the fake start. Get Lightbulbs is a One-sided Assault-based minigame. The attackers start at the bottom of a large ramp and must make it to the top to score. There are several obstacles in their way, including the defenders, who have choppers. And blocks. Every so often there is an avalanche of blocks. ____________________________________________________________ The Attackers spawn in a sealed room and take teleporters to enter the map. The teleporters on the right side take them to the right side of the spawn platform, and the teleporters on the left side take them to the left. The custom power ups prevent them from hijacking the choppers. They also have several weapons at their disposal, including fire bomb grenades, a flare, trip mines, and rocket launchers. They, however don't do any damage. The fire bombs and flares are to blind people. The trip mines and rocket launchers are to move them. ____________________________________________________________ The defenders spawn at the top of the ramp next to their choppers. The shield doors in front of their spawns allow them to land smoothly. IMPORTANT There can be a maximum of four defenders because there are only four choppers.How to round teams: 7 players: 2 defenders and 5 attackers 8 players: 3 defenders and 5 attackers ____________________________________________________________ Gametype As for the gametype, it is one-sided assault. Five points to win. One five-minute round. Spoiler Settings Spoiler one sided assault 5 detonations to win Instant arm/fuse time 15 sec reset time Sudden Death: no limit indestructible vehicles 10 second respawn time unlimited lives respawns synchronized with team 1 round 5 minutes no team changing no friendly fire Traits Spoiler Base Player Traits Spoiler 200% damage resistance normal shields, no recharge 0% damage no grenades weapon pickup disabled 100% speed 150% gravity Full vehicle use normal sensors, 10 ft. waypoint visible to allies Custom Powerup (Attackers) Traits Spoiler Duration 90 seconds 200% damage resistance no shields 0% damage weapon pickup enabled 90% speed 150% gravity no vehicle use normal sensors, 10 ft. waypoint visible to allies Bomb Carrier Traits Spoiler 110% damage resistance no shields 90% speed 150% gravity normal sensors, 10 ft. waypoint visible to allies ____________________________________________________________ Gameplay As I mentioned before, when the bomb carrier dies, the bomb rolls back down the ramp. If it reaches the bottom it will fall out of the map, and it will not reset for fifteen seconds. The bomb (the blocks, the weapons, the vehicles, the corpses) roll down the ramp. The block-valanche is very dangerous if you're not careful. See those mancannons? They're why. If you're careful though, you can live. At the bottom of the ramp, below the attackers' spawn platform, are shield doors. They prevent choppers from rolling out of the map if they flip while still allowing the blocks fall from the arena. ____________________________________________________________ Links Get Lightbulbs on Aisle 3
This actually sounds like a very fun minigame. I havn't downloaded a halo 3 map in a while, and quite honest I havn't played in a while, but I am going to downlaod this just so I have it when I get together in a large party for people. I can then be confident that I have a really cool fun mingame to play. Nice job man, Im just worried that it would be a bit hard for the attackers. As an attacker, have you had any luck?
In a large map add 1 part Grifball, 2 parts Hurricane Katrina and mix thoroughly. Gently stir in 4 Choppers and bring to a boil. Serves 6-10 people. I love it !
^ = spam, just so you know Really? I can't belive that noone has thought of this before, it looks so ingenious and well though-out. Props go to morphine however, for the idea. I'm watching the last part of the gold medal game at the moment now, however (go Canada ) so I'll have to try it out later. Hopefully it get more love than the phone is on hold. ///EDIT ahahahhaahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha CANADA WON. EAT IT, dont worry guiz, im done now.
Very fun looking map my friend one thing you could try though is set everyones driving ability to none then put the custom powerups near the choppers so that red can get in them when they spawn i only say this cuz the CP for blue may run out and then they could hijack red
The Custom Powerups will run out after ninety seconds, giving the attackers the ability to hijack. The attackers die often, almost always before ninety seconds (and if it runs out, it doesn't mean they can hijack. They should still be booted for doing so). The defenders almost always live for the entire game. If they had the CP's instead, they would lose their choppers before even two minutes (of five) went by. The game could never work like that. The custom powerups are more of a formality, meant to discourage and reduce hijacking. The game would be functional without them (just like any Tremors game). They just make it work smoother.
This sounds like a pretty ingenious game and I'm gonna try it out, but a quick question/suggestion: Would it not benefit gameplay to have a small barrier at the bottom of the ramp so that the bomb does not fall off? It seems like having the bomb roll down the hill is already enough of a mechanic, without then making players wait 15 seconds should it roll off the edge. I also agree with the other guy who mentioned giving the defenders the CP's instead. Sure it wears off after 90 seconds, but if the defenders are already in the choppers then it won't suddenly kick them out (at least I don't think it does) so unless they get flipped out of their seat (is that likely?) I don't see how it could be a problem. Heck, it could even be an interesting punishment for getting yourself knocked out of your seat; you have to go kill yourself to be able to use a vehicle again. If you did this then there would be no honour rule at all about not boarding a defender's chopper. (I have a thing about honour rules) Anyhoo, they're only my initial thoughts from reading the post. I'll let you know what I think properly after I've played a few games. Looks very promising though!
Sorry I didn't see your reply two weeks ago... Yeah... I never actually considered if it would benefit gameplay to have the bomb caught at the bottom of the ramp. I mean, the 15 second wait time starts as soon as the bomb is dropped, so it's almost always less than 15 seconds once it falls off. Pair that with the either 5 or 10 second respawn time, and it like a feels significantly less wait time. I will have to test the barrier idea out though. The only thing I forsee it doing that could actually really hurt gameplay is if it stops the block smalls without much inertia left as they roll down the hill. If you lose your vehicle abilities while in one, you will get kicked out. A (not really) famous example of this is on the Valley of the Beasts, where defenders will get kicked out of their vehicles if they enter a territory that has yet to be captured by the attackers. And aside from that, defenders' choppers flip much more often (like at least once a game) than attackers' CP's wear out. A honour rule I would much rather be rid of than hijacking is the one against assassinating. Hopefully, in Reach... Thank you for your thoughts. They were very thought-provoking.