Whoa! Can't believe I missed this.. Definitely downloading this, as I remember you always talking about how swell it was coming along. I'm guessing the majority of these came from /wg/, amirite? Thanks, bro. =] Edit: Just realized that there's no 'Sexy Wimmenz' category. FFFUUUUUUU-!
Yeah, lol I did talk about it a ton load, and I'm glad you had the chance to download. Most likely it's finished downloading by now, but if it isn't or if you haven't opened it yet, the "people" category has like 79 walls and 74 of those walls are sexy wiminz, hope you're satisifed!
you should make it as seperate downloads by theme. That would probably get more downloads. but it would be hard to do now.
It's not something that would be too hard, but more aggravating work. Also, I have to consider the fact that up to today, I just checked and there has been 83 people who have already downloaded it. I have posted this pack on other forums yet, Forge Hub and one other site have only actually supported it, all the other places frowned upon it for some reason. The reason I say this is that pretty much all of the downloads came from Forge Hub, not the other site, and the fact that most of the people who wanted the pack already got it from Forge Hub. So since most of the people already have it, there are probably only a little amount of people who just want a specific category. If those people go to the original post and loo at the categories, I'll post the demanded categories. For these people that want a specific category, please just post in this thread. I'll try to get at least one category a week, and if I'm not busy, I'll get more. I just don't want to tell you I'll get all of the categories up, and then lie to you and not have them up. So please tell me which categories people would that haven't downloaded the entire full pack.
What can open an .rar file? I waited 20 minutes last night for this to download, only to see that there was, "No program that could open the file."
Wrong-sir. WinRAR has a "40-Day Free Trial" but they never actually demand that you buy it, only a pop-up comes up every time you open it, not really annoying or aggravating either. Hey Gamer, if you need any help with uploading only certain categories I could help most definitely, I've got a TON of spare time.
Thanks for that, I've had winar for so long that I forget the "trial" period isn't actually a trial. I prefer the 7-zip's interface but that's another topic entirely.
This wallpaper pack is awesome. There are loads of so many great wallpapers. Thanks for the time that you put into this!
Holy curd, 964MB? That's gotta be a few images. Well, based off most of the comments it seems I won't be disappointed. I'm in a desperate need of some new wallpapers, thanks for putting this up here man. Now I just hope I can open this thing on my mac. xP
Oh baw. I have never seen any winrar programs for a mac before, so I guess it's gonna be pretty hard then. FFFF, I really should change to Windows. Well, thanks again for putting it up here anyways. Edit: Actually, forget what I said. I just remembered I COULD transfer it over to my ma's old PC and unwrap it there. OH HAPPINESS!
haha. 50 minute download. this better be good, Agamer, or i'll be at your house to start OMNOMNOMing on your face.
I don't know if this replies is necessary at this point, but I use Stuffit for extracting .rar files on my mac, and it works great. Just finished downloading, looking through now, thanks Agamer.