hey, im here because i love custon maps. i cheaked out the site, and it looks awesome.i dont realy know what else to say...
can you help me, im looking for a map with a bunch of traps, ive been playing kingdom of ra with some friends but i want some other ones because we cant figure out what were suposed to do next in it.
Hey MyMovesAreNinja! Welcome to ForgeHub! I'm not exactly a puzzle guy (I think that's what you're looking for), but I think your best bet is to head over the Minigames section and look around for some puzzles...they're the ones with the green prefix that says "Puzzle" (or do a search for 'puzzle'). There are a couple of puzzles in the featured section, most notably Forger's Cell, but I don't think any of them have traps like Ra does. I've heard good things about this one: here, but I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet. Good luck in finding what you want
thanks, i already knew about the casual maps forum though. ill cheak that one out, thanks again. i think i unknowingly necro bumped the forum you showed me, after i played it i wanted to coment on it. thismorning though i relized what i might have done. what do i do, i dont want to get banned?