I'm not sure if much people know this but I thought I'd say it anyways.. If you go to heatmaps on bungie.net and pick a weapon that nobody has ever died from on the map you're on you can essientally get a blank canvas you can print out and draw on it. If that didn't make sense I can explain it better.
Lol ya Shaddo did shoot him down pretty bad, but it was helpful. Little pointers like this should just be taken for what they are, not overly analyzed. And I hate it when pointers like this are responded to like 'I already new this you noob!' when it's obvious others didn't.
I knew this but i know a lot of people dont so thanks. Shaddo is isnt quicker that way because it is actually quite hard to find decent ones on google.
I used this exact method to draw out a layout for an orbital map. While useful by some means, having a fully colored overview of the map suffices better.
I used this a long time ago but I found that color versions work much better and are even easier to find on google. The only reason I used the bungie.net ones was to understand the flow paths of the map which I need the heatmaps for.