The Kingdom of Ra

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Aftershock 10, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    Kingdom of Ra
    Created by "aAftershock"

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    _ _ _


    After barely making it out alive from the mysterious Temple of Ra, you feel the strange urge to find out more about the civilization that built it. You make your way back to camp, trying to forget about it all, but you begin having strange visions while you sleep. Visions of a magnificent ancient temple in the sand, visions of a treasure of unimaginable beauty and value hidden beneath it, visions of the race of people that built it. You begin to realise that when you stumbled across the temple in the desert, you had unintentionally embarked upon an ancient quest, intended to find the rightful heir to the Kingdom of Ra, and the legendary treasure of Ra. You begin to think that your visions may mean that you have been chosen to find this ancient temple, and you must try to complete the quest you have started and find the legendary treasure. You think that the best place to begin would be the valley in which you found the old temple...


    Here is the sequel to my map Temple of Ra. The first one was an experiment to see if something like this would actually work, so I didn't really put much effort or time into it, so it was pretty simple, short and not that interesting. Immediately after I had finished it, I knew I could do much better, so I started work on this straight away. I feel that this one actually incorporates everything I wanted the first one to be, plus a whole lot more. The traps are more interesting, more varied, and more fun. The puzzles use hardly any glitches, will definitely require you to think, and are much more interesting. The map is a lot longer and harder than before, so you wont finish it within about 10 minutes like the first one. This one is not linear at all, there are hardly any places you cannot reach straight from the start, without solving any of the puzzle. However, whilst exploring the map, you will come across many different items and objects, and your job is to figure out what you have to do with them to reach the oddball.

    Basically, you will find yourself having to explore the temple, trying to remember what objects you find along the way, whilst also avoiding the traps. Then once you have explored, you have to start trying to figure out what you must do to piece together all the objects and items to solve the puzzle. It's not easy this time :D.


    Your goal is to reach the fabled Treasure of Ra (the oddball), by exploring the ancient temple, avoiding the traps and solving the puzzle.

    Extra Objectives (just for fun)

    Find all 4 bubble shields.
    Complete the map without setting off as many traps as possible.
    Reach the end of the map with more than one person alive.


    • A new trap and health system. Not all the traps will kill you straight away, so that one will take down your shield, two will finish you off. However, there are still some that will take you clean out... so watch your step (Thanks to BuddhaCrane for suggesting this).

    • A non-linear map. There are loads of different ways to explore this map, so you could play the map over and over, each time doing it a different way.

      [*]A puzzle that actually requires you to think. Hardly any glitching knowledge is required, so if you are a veteran puzzle solver, or a newbie, you should still have to think.

      [*]You can complete this puzzle with as many people as you want. More people may only make some of the jumps easier, you will still have to find all the pieces of the puzzle. Also it's often fun watching your friends being unsuspectingly killed by a trap you knew was there :D.

      [*]Bubble shields that are used to set off traps. This is so that if you know a trap is there, you don't have to try and avoid it every time you want to visit that area of the map. Trust me... you will thank me for this lol. (There is a total of 4 bubble shields on the map... can you find them all?).

      [*]New and interesting traps. I have tried to come up with ideas for traps that will keep you on your toes, some you might think you know where they are, some will take you completely by surprise, others will just make you laugh at the fact you didn't expect them.

      [*]Awesome aesthetics. As before, I have tried to make this feel as much like an ancient temple as possible, however, this time it's a pretty spectacular temple lol.

      [*]No way to get stuck. There will always be a way out of any of the rooms you find yourself in, you'll never have to end the game because you are stuck.


    There are some parts of the puzzle that involve hidden items or objects, so here are some clues to help you find them.

    The four kings may seem insistent, but two of them wear crowns upon their head, one shines with gold, the other of plain old wood.

    Find the glow at the top then to the border, the stack of three shows importance in ascending order.

    Once the path is clear, look into the eyes of the four kings, and you shall be enlightened.

    If you ever think you are stumped, these clues might help you find what you are looking for.


    Looking down upon the ancient temple.

    The entrance room

    Rolling balls of doom!

    The sacrificial chamber (centre room)

    A very tall corridor

    Another grand chamber

    A long way down

    Above the chamber

    Up high

    Going deeper into the crypt

    The crypt hole

    Another view of a room in the crypt

    The legendary treasure of Ra!



    Special Thanks
    Mander A1 - tester
    ActualGlory - tester

    I hope you all like it!

    Download Map
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    #1 Aftershock 10, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: May 20, 2010
  2. Spartiphobia

    Spartiphobia Ancient
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    Just began the download, should prove to be quite good judging from the screens. Will edit this post once I finish it. Good work, and happy forging.
  3. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Forerunner

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    Wow, this looks great. I played the Temple of Ra and it was by far the best trap map ever! Its looks smaller that the first one, but it goes into the crypt. Great idea. Im downloading! Great Job!
    #3 KillerOllie96, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  4. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    damn this looks awesome cant wait to play it tonite when i get home 5/5 for me
  5. caniblcake

    caniblcake Forerunner

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    VERY nice. I played it with a few friends last night, it was alot of fun. only suggestion would be to provide a walkthrough somewhere (we can't get any deeper into the crypt, we can only get out of it by -SPOILERS-jumping on top of one of the teleporters-SPOILERS-)
  6. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Aftershock- this is straight-up my favourite map from you which is saying a lot as I enjoy all your maps. But the aesthetics, gameplay, and just pretty much everything about this map exceeds that of your others. This is an absolute blast to play, and can be enjoyed by everyone. If I had any constructive criticism it would be that the outside is a bit assymetrical, and that it's a bit annoying to die when three quarters of the way through since there's no checkpoint system. But those are both very minor issues and the only things I can think of. ForgeHub mods need to look at this because it is extremely feature-worthy.

    S4L PSYCHOPATH Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    nice map, but i also think that you should make a v2 =)
  8. Jim

    Jim Forerunner

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    This map is awesome! I'm stuck at the first blocked teleporter and don't know what to do :\ I read your clues so I'll try to work with those. Hmmm...

    A walkthrough would be nice. I'm totally stumpd.
    #8 Jim, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2010
  9. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    It only looks smaller because I actually planned how I was going to build it, and so used the space well. The Temple of Ra was big but most of it wasn't even used lol. This is actually much longer than the Temple of Ra and it has more traps too :D.

    Any particular reason? or did you just enjoy it so much you want more? :p

    I may actually release a walkthrough to both this AND Temple of Ra, thanks to somebody who has volunteered to capture them and make the video. So keep a look out for that :)
  10. Sqrl iZ niNja

    Sqrl iZ niNja Forerunner

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    Awesome, like most of your maps!

    And I totally like the way these puzzles go.
    To make a themed map is hard but you did it, once again. ^^
  11. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    omg.... i get back for the first time in three months and this awaits me.... im cried tears of joy. Thank you for making my month with this awesome map. and i can only find three of the damn bubble sheilds...
  12. Electric Fearz

    Electric Fearz Forerunner

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    This is a great map! I'm also stuck on the room with the blocked teliporter (I have gone both ways too, so I don't know what to do!) I'll look at it harder and see if I can figure it out:)
  13. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    lol i'm glad you like it :). Have you managed to reach the oddball? If you have also found all the bubble shields, try doing it by setting off as few of the traps as possible... I would love to see a video.

    Try not to think of it as being stuck in a certain room... because you can never get stuck :). Instead, look around the whole map to see if there is anything you have missed. It's not about solving each room, but about thinking that the map is one big puzzle and you have to explore it all.
  14. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    I'll try to say what I need without spoiling anything. I've found three bubble shields so far. I've unblocked the teleporter in the room you would probably find first. I don't see the purpose of the SMG. I don't understand the clues. I can only get past the room with four teleporters in the crypt with two people, I don't know how to by myself. I don't know how to get the grav lift, but other than those two things, I think I have the puzzle figured out. I love this map, its got beautiful aesthetics, and I love how you show how you arrived in the warthog. 10/10
    #14 Random11714, Mar 14, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2010
  15. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    If you've managed to get the sword, then you have completed about half of the puzzle, but it sounds like you don't even have half of the puzzle figured out. What most people forget is that this map is not linear whatsoever, they think "oh, i can't get that gravity lift so I am stuck at this room", but what you have to work at it step by step. Once you find something you can use, you have to try and think where exactly in the map you could use it. If you don't think it's useful for anything, that's what the clues are for, because there might be a hidden item that you haven't realised is there.

    It seems like a lot of people are getting stuck, so i'll give a list of all the objects you need to complete the puzzle, but not in the order you need them, except for the first and last one.

    Flame Grenade (this is the first item you need to use)
    Gravity Lift
    Sniper Rifle
    Custom Powerup
    Soccer Ball
    Needler (this is the last item you need to reach the oddball)

    I hope this helps people :)
  16. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    No... I definitely know how to get past at least 90% of the puzzle, now my only problem is getting the gravity lift. POSSIBLE SPOILER-I can't reach it with a sword or sniper rifle, and still I don't get the clues, I've never been good with clues, =\.
    I just wished you used a radar jammer instead of a flare, that would make it a lot easier, lol.
    POSSIBLE SPOILER-so the choppers are just purely for aesthetics?
    #16 Random11714, Mar 14, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2010
  17. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    You can easily reach it with the sword, just aim directly at it lol.
  18. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    Mmk thanks... I fail with the sword.... lol jk
    lmfao it took me 27:01 minutes
    W000000T I feel so accomplished b\c that's the first puzzle map I've beaten without a tutorial. w0000000t

    ^It took that long to solve it, but it took an extra four minutes to lucky enough to teleport there.
    My suggestion: aAftershock, could you make a seperate teleporter to the oddball room?
    And what's with the two choppers at the bottom of the crypt?

    #18 Random11714, Mar 14, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2010
  19. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Well I've managed to get the incendiary grenade, the regenerator, the SMG, the sword, the flare, the sniper rifle, the custom powerup, and the golf ball. I'm guessing that the regen has to do with a mancannon but I have no idea. Also I pushed the golf ball down into the main room and have no idea what to do from there. Nice job, one of the only puzzle maps I actually like.
  20. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Dear god this is ridiculous.
    I've been playing this for the past hour and have only gotten to the room with the first blocked teleporter.
    I feel so... dumb.
    I have notes of where the traps are and all the important objects you listed (none of which I've collected yet)
    This map is intense and is still keeping me on my feet to this minute.
    gah, the flame grenade and CP are teasing me through those windows :mad:

    Well I managed to get the flame grenade and CP. I found the sword but can't get it.
    Gave up for the night.
    Mad props on this map though.
    #20 Organite, Mar 16, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2010

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