I just got my computer back from being fixed and reformated. So that means that all my songs are gone, but are all on my iPhone. I spent the last hour looking for one for the iPhone but no FREE luck. So that brings to my question, anybody know of any?
1. save a backup of your iphone 2. jailbreak it 3. download the apps you need for free 4. ?????? 5. profit
im pretty sure it will say something like you have songs on your ipod that you dont have on your computer would you like to transfer them.
If you go under "File," there's a little button that says, "Transfer Purchases from iPod." That should be the way to do it. I'm not sure if the button layout is different on a PC, since I have a Mac, but just check somewhere in the top bar for it.
I meant for songs not apps. I tried iTunes but it only transfered the songs I bought, which is 2, the rest from limewire.
I can't stand when a thread is made like this and all of the responses are so redundant and pointless. As for you Will: I just literally went through this **** yesterday.... Luckily, I found all of my music hidden on the external hard drive, well I don't know if you have one or not, which most likely you don't since you specified for software. I'd suggest you get one once your music is transferred over, it will save your ass next time this happens. So here is Cucusoft which is what I downloaded but didn't have the chance to use since I found my music: LINK Now if for some reason that doesn't work try this: Link Hopefully one of these works and you get your **** back man.
If you downloaded all your songs on your iPhone from the iTunes on your phone or computer you should be able to transfer the songs to your iTunes on your computer...not just apps.
Since it's reformatted and it's technically considered as a new computer, at least in itunes eyes, and it technically is even though he has the same computer, he unfortunately can't because he can't sync it to two computers, he is most possibly receiving the message asking him if he would like to sync and erase, which would sync his ipod to itunes with whatever is on there which is most likely nothing and erase his music which he does and should not do.
Exactly what I said in my first sentence in my first post in this thread. People coming in here and giving redundant and pointless posts is so so annoying. I made two threads like this, in search of suggestions, and that's all I got was stupid responses from people, and most people didn't even read my post thoroughly just like in this thread, not directed towards any one specific, just in general. It's seriously annoying.
I agree. And It's General Chat. There should be more infractions for spam, because that's essentially what's going on in here. People spamming for post count.
SharePod Something similar happened to me as well. This is the program I used. Knowing that you have an iPhone, not an iPod (which is what I used with the program), I can't tell you that I am a sure if it would work or not.
I just finished recovering my songs with the program Rabbit used. Although they say that with their trial you can only recover 5 songs, you can just close the program and start it up again and recover another 5. Works great.
Worst comes to worst, you can always use limewire again, go through your ipod and re-download everything (sucks i know, but the only way i can think how to do it if rabbit's link doesn't work for whatever reason for you)
SharePod Just used that program and it worked. I'd like to thank everyone though, for their contributions and suggestions good or bad. Mods can close thread.
sharepod is definitely the best, though when i tried it with windows 7, it consistently froze my computer. I hope it works better for you