Debate Creation or Evolution?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by God Of Forge, Sep 18, 2008.

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  1. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    here's a nifty little video on M-theory (string theory taken one step foreward), im not saying its right, and i dont say it is, but it gives an alternative to god-creation
    YouTube- Before, Meanwhile and After the BIG BANG -- (M-Theory)

    on a side note, this thread should be called creationism vs abiogenesis, not creationism vs evolution
  2. El Diablo

    El Diablo Ancient
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    Question: How is it possible for organisms to gain chromosomes?

    Um... Newton's First Law?

    No. According to his logic there had to be something that started a completely physical action, which is exactly correct. A block doesn't just move along the floor by itself, so if you see a block sliding along the floor you can assume that something is acting or did act on it to make it move. He's just applying this common sense to the Big Bang.
    Now you could argue that matter before the Big Bang wasn't in equilibrium to begin with and it was just some sort of time bomb, but that claim is impossible for you to know with any certainty whatsoever.

    God on the other hand is a nonphysical entity so he doesn't act like the block on the floor. He doesn't abide by the laws of science that we have found.
    #862 El Diablo, Mar 10, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2010
  3. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    You mean along one generation? For humans, we would call that very harmful if not lethal to someone. If they do survive with it in the womb, they are severely set back physically and possibly mentally (mental retardation).

    Unless you are talking about a species as a whole over time. Is that what you were referring to? If so, then mutations can cause chromosomal changes. We can see that it is relatively common for a person to have a chromosomal mutation:
    Down Syndrome (1 in 800)
    Edwards Syndrome (1 in 3000)
    Patau Syndrome (1 in 5000)

    Most mutations negatively affect the survivability of the organism. On the off chance the chromosome change won't inhibit the organism, that organism will most likely benefit from the extra gene(s) that make up the chromosome, reproduce, and live.

    this is a good read
    so is this

    Predicting the behavior of whatever was before our universe is impossible to prove anyway. Newton's Laws, the Atomic Laws, etc all only apply in our universe (or so we know). You can't say the universe had to have a cause for the big bang and its beginning because you simply don't know if our laws apply outside our universe. There is no default position where either of us have to prove a positive, so we're kind of back to square one, and a little off-topic.
    #863 P3P5I, Mar 10, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2010
  4. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    How is it relevant? I know it is in a meager sense of the word but I fail to see how this could possibly be a make or break topic.
  5. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    I've skimmed through a lot of this thread and is full of ridiculous non-sense. I want to state a few educational facts and points that many have failed to understand in this thread:
    • Evolution just explains the variety of species, not the origin of the earth, like the story of creation does.
    • There is evidence of evolution, it is scientifically confirmed.
    • There is no yet evidence of creation, it is pure myth.
    • If evolution doesn't explain something, that does not mean creation is true by any means. Creationists, try explaining why the story of creation is true, not how evolution is false.
    I haven't yet heard actual proof of the story of creation, and until I do, creation is a myth, evolution is a fact, and this thread is over for me. Because it was in the bible doesn't make it true, because it is believed by a huge majority doesn't make it true, because you believe it doesn't make it true, et cetera. I would really love to hear some evidence, actually.
  6. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I feel you on this man. Unfortunately half the world is still ignorant, and will probably always be so. It's tough to change what has been ingrained into some people minds since they were a child. I decided a long time ago to stop debating this will people. It never goes anywhere, and again some people are stuck in their ways and will never change.
    #866 x DREAM 76 x, Mar 11, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2010
  7. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    I think you may be right. Building your mind around a man-made construct like religion is dangerous, because the religion has the power to completely control the person, and make the person spread they're belief to others, it's truly viral. And I know what you mean, growing up with religion is a real killer, it becomes indisputable, a part of your life. When a parent tells their child santa clause isn't real its hard enough, but saying that the one thing that a person builds their life around isn't real, that requires a complete cognate rebuilding.

    Come to think of it there are so many reasons why people can't accept that, we really don't know anything past the physical world as we observe it, and i truly feel sorry for them.

    Looking at humanity as a whole now, religionious fairy tales is truly a sad sad affliction on many us. Imagine a non-superstitious world, everyone with the same view of the world as we all see it. Damn. I need to think about this more.
    #867 Seaboro Kibbles, Mar 11, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2010
  8. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Don't. You'll drive yourself crazy.

    All we can realize is that the human being is imperfect and that every single one of us is plagued with mental and emotional issues. Some of them manifest it with a dependence on religion, others force themselves to believe whatever random thing they want to to help themselves get through life.

    Being an Atheist makes me feel like I understand the truths of the world but I'm screaming at deaf ears. It's just not worth the effort.

    Pass your beliefs onto your kids and hopefully someday we'll live in a world without the terrors and misguidance that religion perpetrates.
  9. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Not a place for religion bashing, guys. There's more than enough places for that.

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