Omg kk already!!! Jeez. I'll tell you why this map is good (in my opinion)... It all started one day while i was playing a bit of MW2 on XBL when someone called in an AC-130. I said to myself, CRAP!!!! DUCK AND COVER!!!! Something inside me connected with my brain telling it, "Wouldn't it be cool if there was an AC-130 in Halo? The Map: YouTube- Halo 3 Forge - Airstrike Zone 2 (Sandbox) AND MORE MAPS AT MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!!! YouTube- a0puncfan's Best Halo 3 Forges - DVD Menu SEASON 1 Article from our forge group at: : The Unknown Forgers : Group Home "Let's face it, again." Says map maker a0puncfan, "People love Modern Warfare 2 the game. The AC-130 is very very fun to pilot. I've always wished there was AC-130s in Halo but sadly, mankind has yet to recognize my geneous. One day i had a bright idea! Why not have bombs and airstrikes in Halo 3? I thought of bomb launchers, like the fuel rod gun and rocket launchers but later into the making of the map i realized that the missles often didnt make the trip down or fell short of the target. I thought i would have to scrap the entire idea, until i saw missle pods. I loved the sight of a missle pod rocket flying at you and the suppression it caused, so i made 3 platforms in the sky to resemble that of a flying machine. Raiding a suppressed team was fun and hard at the same time so i made this an assult game. HAVE FUN because the AC-130 always brings a smile to the faces of those who pilot it." Marines (attackers): they are the ones with the AC-130 on their side. Don't worry, you have the help of friends in the sky. Take the bomb and raid the nearby enimie base. Don't stop to have coffee on the way either this place has little cover ammo and such. The other team even has a hornet so watch out! Take cover in the small broken roof houses and the debrea from fallen buildings! Terrorists (defenders): Stop the attackers from blowing up your armory of bombs and weapons. Take guns from your stockpile of weapons and try to kill marines. Easily put. Take the hornet and avoid the AC-130, or shoot it down, your choice. Defender's base has loads of guns and such and attackers have almost nothing. Defender's base is three stories tall (including the roof) and is exellent cover. This map dipicts a small town corrupt and destroyed, terrorists took from nearby buildings to build onto thier own base. War torn buildings still stand but roofs have cracked and fallen. Have fun. Map: Gametype:
the copncept is good, but the map is what lets it down. to start with, its too open and the is little cover what so ever. also, armories arent good. evenly place weapons around the map so that its fair. it seems like the defenders are just going to camp inside the base with all their weapons, and since the attackers have nothing, it makes it extremely infair and gives the attackers a hard time. heres what you need to do: 1) Add more buildings/cover 2) remove the armoury and even out the weapon placements 3) maybe add some vehicles (This'll make it play more outside the bases) 4) bring everything together in a V2 like i said, the concept is good, the map on the other hand... not so much add me: Belly391, maybe i could help sometime
Or how about I tell u why ur wrong 1) Just enough cover. 2) Both Teams have armouries. And Attackers have an AC-130, and attackers also have a bomb carrier with oversheilds. And bubble sheilds to defend selves vs transport hornet. And a energy drain. And flares. 3) Vehicles would screw everything up. 4) This is a V2
Im going to have to agree with belly on this one. Just to start on this you don't exactly have an original idea here. 2nd it doesn't see like much play testing went into refining this map. P.S. Please stop posting all of your maps this close together this fast, spend more time refining them + other peoples maps don't get much deserved attention on the homepage. Also this isn't Youtube where any map with ghost or geo-merging is amazing.
this was a map i spent little time on and i dont care jeez. Im past this and this is my most hated map but i made a vid and it seems like a waste.
i"m pretty sure they're not hatiing on your map, it's just that when you post all your maps so close together and mention in every one that you just did it for fun and don't care about it, it annoys some people who put many hours into their maps and then get bumped off the home page because you decide to post however many maps in such a short time span. onto the map, but i'm gonna agree with jrcane and belly on this aswell, this idea was pulled off (if i may say so myself) a little better a few weeks ago and posted up here, though i like the idea of using the AC- 130 for support for the bomb carrier instead if the main weapon or attacker. you could make the aesthetics and base design better and i'm sure much more people would download it. (also, maembers comments are about their opinions on what would make your map better, and you cnat really just flat out refute it. you don't have to accept them, they're just suggestions.)
you know what, if this is a V2, i hate to see the V1 cos this map is pretty crapy. also, did you even bother to read my post? if you did you wouldnt have siad that i was wrong as i gave justified reasons why i said that. but meh, this is you map so if it doesnt get any downloads after myself and three othe members have given you advice, thats you problem not mine
You don't get positive feedback for posting a map. You get positive feedback for posting a well designed and well constructed map. And, as others have iterated, this map needs significant work; the geometry is basic and rudimentary, the mechanics simple at best, and the core idea rather undeveloped. For the most part, it strikes me as the product of a casual Forge session with some friends, not a groomed V2. Keep working at it! -=Moxus=-
Fine i'll make a V3 if it'll shut you all up. I'll take those ideas you keep hounding me with and try to put them in it. ^^
The concept is really cool, and you definitely have something to work with. Personally, I think since missiles are raining from above, any more explosions (except some grenades) will cause confusion and a little excess chaos for both teams. Also, I think that armories, even with both teams having one, seem to take a little variety away from the game. Finally, one more piece of two cents: I think you do have enough cover. What would happen if you spread a little bit of it out a little more? You're not getting much negative feedback, mostly just constructive criticism from a very elite and experienced community of forgers who want to milk the best from you that they can. In fact, I'm surprised you're not getting even more negative feedback from people by telling they they're wrong, saying you'll improve it only to shut them up, and by downing your own map.
Please don't whip up a map in a couple of hours and complain because you didn't get positive feedback. If I were you, I'd take longer time on maps, and listen to peoples ideas on improvement, It's better then lying to yourself that a map is good, when the majority of it is the map is rushed, sloppy, and little effort brought into it.