Sandbox BSS B-Ball (Halo Basketball)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by KingProdigy617, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. KingProdigy617

    KingProdigy617 Ancient
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    BSS Basketball on Sandbox

    Recommended with 3v3. Playable 4v4 or 2v2 (If teams are evenly matched). (1v1 is bland. More than 4v4 is too hectic and possibly laggy.) I try to run games on Saturday nights, 10 P.M Eastern if I’m not out. ADD ME: KingProdigy617

    As far as we’ve tested, there isn’t a real way out of the map unless several people team up to get out. Putting a roof on is possible but the BSS sign won’t be visible, or the lights. Anyways…

    It’s like Grifball but very different at the same time. You have to try it out. If you like Grifball, this is right up your alley.

    The object is simple. Get the bomb in the goal. First to 15 wins. Time limit is 12 minutes. Bomb resets in 15 seconds. Use the Grav lifts to propel yourself into the goal (hoop), to dunk and score. Shooting and beat downs are allowed. Do whatever you want to win. Even stand on the goal to shoot would be scorers. It’s all cool.

    Without ball: You run normal MLG speed, have basic health (100%) and do normal MLG damage. (110%)

    With Ball: You run slightly faster (125%), giving an edge to avoid other players and ball strikes are Insta-kills. But, with the ball, you can take very little damage. (Generally, 2 plasma pistol shots.)

    When playing, try to be creative! Ninjas are plentiful and you can pass the ball or even alley-oop if you try. It’s all up to you.

    Download Map: [FONT=&quot][/FONT]
    Download Gametype: [FONT=&quot][/FONT]


    GamePlay Video:
    YouTube- Bball Gameplay

    Demonstration Video:
    YouTube- Demo Final.wmv
    #1 KingProdigy617, Mar 10, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2010
  2. WlodygaDeuce

    WlodygaDeuce Ancient
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    I think it would be much simpler to remove the grav lifts, give them gravity hammers and make it so it's 75% gravitiy.
  3. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Yeah, I invented this game. It was originally called BasketBrawl. I made it shortly after Halo came out. I then made another version on Foundry. It was pretty popular. It has been done a million times since then. This does look like a nice take on the original idea. I was actaully thinking of making a Sandbox version myself. It has been on my to do list. I have just been busy with a lot of other things. I might still one day make it. My original game had the grav lifts as well. I was thinking a while back to make a new version with no grav lifts. Basically the players would run a bit faster and the gravity would be %50. This way people could slam dunk the bball from several different angles, instead of just from just the foul line. Nice effort but the whole idea needs some new improvements.
  4. KingProdigy617

    KingProdigy617 Ancient
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    I've never heard that. I made this in early 08 on Foundry, but it was a little buggy. I've made several versions of this same setup to fix said bug. I hope you're not implying that I took your idea. Can you post yours? I'd like to see that map.
  5. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Nah, if I was implying that, I would have said that. I am just stating that this idea has been done a million times. That's not a bad thing. I would just like to see it taken to the next level. I don't have the links you are looking for. I have made so many maps in the past, that I can't keep track of them all. Like I said, it looks like a decent version. Maybe add some more aesthetics next time and make the back board look like a real back board and hoop.

    I think that if I remake this idea again on Sandbox, I would take out the grav lifts. I would make the ball carrier jump %50. That way you can slam dunk the ball from any angle; front, sides, just like in real basketball.
    #5 x DREAM 76 x, Mar 11, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2010
  6. KingProdigy617

    KingProdigy617 Ancient
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    Well, the grav lifts aren't a bad idea. You can't just jump on the grav lift and always score. You need to jump skillfully and intelligently to score without being shot down. Also with the lifts, you can pass the ball, move the ball down the court quicker and avoid defenders. The lifts and the gametype make this so much fun.

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