Click pic for link to website. Like Racing games? Like Mario Kart type Racing games? Yeah, so do I. That's why I signed up for the blur multiplayer beta. The best way to describe blur is Need for Speed mixed with kart racing plus steroids. Take real life cars like the Ford GT or some VW tuner and slap them on realistic courses jam packed with rivals who are all vying to pick up one of the many varied powerups that will send their enemies flying and crashing into last place. If you sign up for an account then all you have to do is go to your profile after you verify and claim your beta key, it will be all the way on the bottom. Click the pic above to be directed to the site. You should really do this. It's free and awesome. If you love the gameplay of Mario Kart but hate the cutesy characters then this is for you.
thanks for making this thread, couldn't find a link. I really love this game. It takes arcade racing to another level. Graphics, even in the beta, are clean and look good. Loadouts (seems everyone's doing it) are simple, but add an element to each race.
I got a free code for the beta off of gamespot, but I wasn't really interested, so I gave it away to Xylom.
Very much agreed. The graphics, as you said, are pretty damn impressive for a beta. There are some technical glitches in the presentation here and there, especially when the race is about to start, but other than that it is beautiful. I also agree about the loadouts. Yeah everyone seems to be doing them but they just plain work in this game. My favorite is the bribe. Sometimes you get something useless to start the race, but every now and then you get a speed boost or a barge and you can jump out to an early lead. Well if you are into racers and want something that is a little more than racing from start to finish then you should get another code. You won't be sorry.
I like the idea of the game, but I think they should make the tracks more skill-based and eliminate half of the powerups on each track. I guess it's alright if you just want to mess around and have fun with friends, but it's not very competitive at all.
Thanks for this, it was something to kill a few hours with... I didnt enjoy it that much though, I mean it is basically if you have been playing longer you cant lose, I was rank 2 against Rank 10, since they are higher they have cars twice as fast as mine. A fricken Land Rover beats a Lotus EXIGE???!?!?!? NO... I disliked it because I would get hit with EVERYTHING all the time, even when i was in last place the prick in front of me would be shooting me with something, whenever I go to get a powerup the guy in front of me gets it and I dont get anything. And the Pink one that shoots stuff straight is practically useless unless your drafting them. Its a waste of a powerup slot if you ask me. It has A LOT of potential but ATM I wont buy it.
Yer, enjoyable BETA tbh. I got a code off and received 3 others in an email (already gone sorry got a 3 month for one lol).
I think you and Shaddo are taking the game to seriously. I think the game is meant to be fun before competitive, kind of like Mario Kart. Keep in mind that it is only a Beta and they are running it to see what is more powerful than what and how they can make it more balanced and enjoyable. The makes of the cars are definitely not meant to compete with each other in real life, in turn they are just skins in essence. So I wouldn't get too up in arms about a Range Rover winning over a Lotus. The attributes are what make the car and a Lotus is faster with more acceleration and a RR is a bit slower but can withstand more damage. And as far as the powerups, I will agree with Shaddo that there are too many. Especially when you are in the lead. The sheer amount of offense coming your way when you are trying to win is almost unbearable. I hate the Lightning the most, it clogs up the track way to much, especially when 5 people launch it at once. I will have to disagree about the Pink Bolts, they are very handy. When you are being chased down by a Shunt its extremely valuable to fire backwards and take it out before it hits you. It's also valuable to be able to slow people that are ahead of you down with it. Hit them when they are turning and it's even more effective.
No, I know not to take it seriously. I'm just saying it would be cool to have a more competitive option. I had a blast playing today in the 20 person races. It's so chaotic and fun. It might have helped that we all had mics and could talk/yell throughout the race. I think that makes it much more enjoyable. Seriously, though. The 20 person races are a lot more fun than the 10 person max. When you get see like 15 shocks in front of you, there's nothing to do but laugh. Edit: Has anyone had any problems with the game? Like today I was racing on Tokyo, and it didn't register one of my laps. After I completed my first lap, it still said I was on lap one... Instant loss ftl.
I've got two more beta codes up for grabs... They come with a 48 hour trial too! PM me if you want... First come, first serve.
If anyone wants to play right now, im on mw2, gimme a moment. Same for in the future. I'll be on MW2 unless anyone wants to play blur.