The outward facing arrows clearly indicate that it makes you fatter so you're a bigger target and can draw fire away from your teammates. No but seriously, it probably increases your radar distance or something.
Anyone think that elites for mp is just for the gametypes associated with them? Also it seems elites have the rolling ability over armor abilities because I didn't see any Spartans roll and dint see any elites using armor abilities.
That's basically what we concluded. It looks like elites will be playable only in SvE gametypes, and will only have the roll armor perk. Edit: someone should take their sigs advice
I doubt that the Elites would only be able to roll. That would be lame. I wonder what button will be used to activate an armor ability?
Probably left bumper? I only say that because it worked well in red faction guerilla's control scheme with armor abilities = backpacks
Emile are the most amazing spartan i seen ! EVA For Life ! Cant wait for May 3rd ! I will be online the first minutes of the day ! And i will not go to school for Reach !
same button that activated camo/flashlight for halo 3. I thought like last year bungie said that they were gona use that button (that way all the other buttons arn't fed up)
The multiplayer video probably confirms that there is NOT a NO-SCOPE medal. The piece with the invisible sniper no-scoping an enemy, if you look closely at the tail end, a single crosshair medal appears. Unless the no scope medal replaces the sniped medal and looks similar, then no noscope medal.
The "unknown equipment" could probably be found by looking at things from other games. I would think the meaning of outward arrows might be about something expanding like a bubble shield. Then again it could make your head awesomely big so everyone can see your recon armor and easily headshot you. In all seriousness I am really pumped for the falcon. The hornet of Halo 3 made me really sad in that it takes no skill, flies something like a floating brick, and rarely was used in multiplayer or campaign. btw you have ghost twice in the vehicle list. This may be because its just so awesome, but I'm thinking its a typo.
no, like theater, forge, custom games, etc. i heard there was supposed to be an unnanounced game mode.
ive just heard that, nothing is coming from bungie. i was just wondering if Bungie had specifically confirmed any of that. and i cant waaaaaaait for the beta. and it has lower health right?
The medals are probably one of the easiest things to design and program. I doubt they will make a final decision on all the medals until a long time after the BETA has come and gone, therefore IMO, this trailer does not "probably confirm" anything on the medals.
In the Game Informer magazines, they said that Reach would have all the game modes Halo 3 did (e.g forge, theater, ect).