I will go Eclipse if people will help me. Nuff' Said. Truth to be told I just knew more stuff about Tibia then Eclipse/Xtremeworlds/Elysium Diamond. And Tibia had a bigger community. Either Way, I can do both. I can Host, Create, Share to the best of my abilitys. EDIT: Another Thing better about Eclipse; 20x easier to host.
winnar! off topic, the header is sexy. so yeah, put it up. im sure SRC will find a way to make it work for macs with his groundedness and knowledge of torrents, and than i will mooch his solution.
...Or we can raid Fbu's house for the files that we need... because on his terms that the RPG will be up soon means it will be up in 1 month +. So I can log onto Killor's server now? He has it up? Because I would be more than willing to help him make this new FH RPG. I have some experience with mapping in the Eclipse engine.
How could i without his Server files? Anyone who wants to help just add me on Skype and ill set you up.
No offense to you or anyone else but so long as the FH: RPG servers remain down I will not be joining any kind of alliteration of the game. And, to be honest, if for some weird reason FBU decides to trust Killor with him hosting the game, I won't be joining the game. This is mine and a few other peoples decision on the matter.