Fireflies is a symetrical BTB map in the first level of Sandbox . The map can support TS , CTF , Bomb . Made by Ripshaw . Link : : Halo 3 File Details Weapon List : BR x4 Conv.Carbine x6 Sniper x2 Shotgun x2 Hammer x2 Rocket x2 Laser x1 Bruteshot x4 Needler x2 Plasma Pistol x1 Sword x1 Spike x4 Plasma Rifle x2 Plasma Nade x8 Frag Nade x6 Bublle Shield x2 Drain x2 Regenerator x1 Lift x1 Camo x2 Overshield x1 Banshee x1 Chooper x4 Warthog x2 Picture First part of each side Second part of each side Overview Banshee spawn Overshield and Sword spawn Laser Spawn Camo Spawn ( One on each side ) Overview 2 Overview 3 Creator Tester List 1.NoX Ripshaw 2.Gemoshi 3.CowboyPickle23 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Link : : Halo 3 File Details
Wasn't there a thread about you ripping structures out of some maps and recreating them in this map or something? I remember it pretty clearly.
Yeah, I made that thread. Everything is cleared up now and hopefully you can disregard that thread completely and act like it never existed. That being said, your new structures look very interesting. Maybe I'll give this map a look this weekend if I'm not busy and have my Xbox.
It looks great, but it would be really great if we could have any type of overview picture/pictures just so we can kind of get some sort of orientation. Because, from what I can see, the map looks promising, yet i cant get an idea of how much cover etc. one would have. Hoping you will put those pics up- EDIT: also i checked out your weapons list, i would recommend getting rid of the sword, because a weapons like that wouldn't work well on a big team battle type map-dominated by vehicles and power weapons. Also- FOUR CHOPPERS! a little overkill? stick with two
KK i will look for the chooper but the sword are very important in the map but when i will test it i will take a look for it and i will add more picture tomorrow cauz i had just 1 minutes to take my pictures , My parents want to watch TV ! And Scobra : Its totally a new map cauz i didint want to post a map with stolen structure on it ! So if you want to test it this week end i will invite you and im making a new map and i want your OK to take so structure on some of your map never relesed . GT: NoX Ripshaw
Looks cool so far, but yea you might want to get on that overview picture asap I see two choppers right next to each in what seems the middle of the map. Why are they there?
YAAAAAAAAAH! You posted it. =) I see you did a lot of design work on the bases and they look great. If you are ever testing this tell me before hand cause i really wanna try this out....this is probably my favorite map you showed me.
Nan i didint test it ! When you will be online i will invite you to test it with some friend ! Post Update ! !!! More picture and testing list !
Those merged ramps and obelisks look so badass, but i'm not sure as to how this would play. I'mma give it a download out of curiousity, and post some feedback when i've done playing around.
Well i downloaded it and i must say your original pictures didnt do it justice (the new pictures are better) very sexy im betting the banshee will play well although im doubtful about the 4 choppas (not only because 4 choppas is usually unheard of but also because it doesnt look like theres a lot of room for them to maneuver on the map)
KK so i will remove 2 of the 4 choop if when i will test it people do not want 4 i will do the change !
If you've still got a testing list, this should technically be posted in the Tester's Guild or Forge Discussion. That aside, the structures look cool, but I feel like the obelisks on the bases seem a little... awkward. Four choppers are over-kill, yes, and you should probably figure out a way to fix that. The structures kind of remind me of some sort of abstract art. It's unique, I think. You seem to like to use those ramps for aesthetics.
The map looks nice but four choppers might be too overpowering. You should probably replace one chopper with a warthog or prowler and add two mongooses to each side. Prowlers might also make a good replacement for the warthogs because they tend to land upright more often and handle jumps better. Prowlers are also greatly underused. If I did not mention it already Great map!!!
Oh right, testing. If i'm not unfashionably late, then hell yeah. Just invite me if im online, send an fr if its convenient. I'd have responded earlier, but my laptop's down and i cant get much access atm.