Anyone here work at Gamestop?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Whisper, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I'm filling out an application to work at Gamestop, and I was wondering if anyone worked there? If so, anyone have any advice for the application or anything? Or any comments on working at Gamestop?
  2. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    I just got an application for Play n Trade turned it in and they told me I have to be 17. Make sure your 17 so you can sell M rated games.
  3. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    uh my friend works at gamestop, he pretty much either stands at the door and says welcome to gamestop or does boring inventory work all day. it's good though, i get to use his discounts
  4. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Know the difference between Battlefield 2 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Idiots at my local GameStop were like, "Uhh.." when a customer asked the difference. One of them said, "I think it's the same game.." I had to tell the man myself.

    Just be knowledgeable and up-to-date on anything video-game related.
  5. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Thanks for the, uh.... interesting advice.
  6. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    ask for battletoads :D
  7. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Listen to the genius.

    Senior Member

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    I work at Gamestop! Pick me, Pick me!!!

    Honestly, you really don't have to put anything special on the application. Then again, I was good friends with everyone that worked at my Gamestop so it was pretty easy. Just be sure to smile and know your games like "Let's say someone comes in asking for a DS game their 7 year old daughter, what would you recommend?" They asked me a load of questions and I seemed to do well and best of all they kept me past the holidays. I'm not sure if your Gamestop is doing the same thing but we're not planning to hire until maybe May.
    #8 COMMANDERMATT1, Mar 7, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2011
  9. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Huh, I would probably not know what to say if someone asked me that lol. I'd be like "anything with the words love, puppy, fun, or doll in the title should be good".
  10. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Puppy Manslaughter
    Love Hurts: A rapist's story
    Fun times in Beta House
    Playboy Dolls

    I'll be sure to buy my daughter/son those games. Thanks for your input.
  11. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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  12. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Being specific would probably help because of... :
    Any common sensed parent would know the difference, even if they're not "Video-Game Savvy" or the like.

    When I go to my Gamestop, I've made a couple of friends there and at Verizon Wireless, probably the best rule?

    Don't be a douchebag. Just plain out and simple, if you're there with a welcoming smile and a, "Welcome to Gamestop, will you be needing any assistance today?" then they're going to go back there, which means you get a promotion, better pay, etc etc. Of course, I don't work, but meh.

    Again, don't be a douchebag, if someone asks you, "Next week is my 7 year old sons/daughters birthday party, and s/he is looking for a game for her/his Nintendo DSi, do you have any recommendations?" Reply with, "One moment please, I have to look myself!" if you're not sure, be truthful and don't be cocky. I, myself would probably recommend Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, and Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen just for the basis two Pokemon re-makes, so that they can get the hang of the first ones. I also say Pokemon because it's neutral for Genders. Boys and Girls can play it.

    That's my advice, hope it helps.
  13. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Don't be a douchebag is obvious. What kind of shitty advice is that?

    Oh wait, looks like I'm being a douchebag ;) lol.

    Senior Member

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    By the way, if you do get the job, I hope you like doing the same thing everyday, as in the most likely thing they are going to have you do is put up the pile of games that they have in alphabetical order. Which that may not seem that bad until you see how bad all the sections is and you have to fix it. I get to come in about 3 days a week and completely fix the store since I seem to be the best at it.

    Oh yeah, The Gamestop TV thing you might have in your Gamestop is probably the most annoying thing you could every listen too 5 hours a day non stop about games. Also, most of the games they show probably won't even concern you but it's impossible to ignore it. Good luck... lol...
  15. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    If Gamestop is anything like it was in the past six years ago, minus the super crappy POS entering system for trade-ins and customer transaction, cause I know they upgraded it recently. Not to piss on your hope and dreams, but working at Gamestop is one of the crappiest jobs I've ever had. The company doesn't care if you know anything about games, because it's all about getting people to Subscribe to Gameinformer and getting people to reserve games. If you are amazing at those two things you will climb the ladder of command. Knowing your current inventory everyday is a plus.

    If you're an entree level associate your job pretty much entails:

    • Trade-ins
    • Register duty
    • Vacuum
    • Help customers
    • Keep the walls in order (Organize the games in alphabetical order)
    • Gutting games

    If someone offered me a job at Gamestop I'd look at them for a moment, unbutton "n" unzipper my pants, and pee all over their shoes. Then run away maniacally laughing, while flailing my arms about. Then upload the video on Youtube.

    Btw GL
  16. OrcheIium

    OrcheIium Ancient

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    Wow, I have heard that working there is unpleasant from friends, and I guess that is ALL I have ever really heard about it... lol. At one point I would have thought it a good potential work place.
  17. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Lol, don't worry man. Working at Gamestop is only a temporary thing that I'm going to do for the summer. Odds are I won't even work there, but I'm applying to a few places at the same time.The only reason I even chose it is because, no matter what, it has to be more interesting than working at a day camp (trust me, being a counselor for little kids is fun sometimes, but 90% of the time they're shitting their pants and crying).

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