The houses are set. You (unless you're Penguinish) can't change that much of the outside of your house. I think you could change the roof color and that's it.
It's a magical house It looks small and mediocre on the outside. Massive and amazing on the inside. By saying castle themed I meant the floors/wall on the inside will use a castle tileset.
I could bring it back in a different fashion. I just not doing it solo. I had help from people to bring this back. I would indeed. I could bring it back better then ever. Fbu's probably busy these days, and he didnt have exactly the time to keep the server up and keep the updates rollin (Like a Nascar ) I have everything ready to do this with, Im just wanting to know; If I Host it, Will people play it? Anyways enough for me.
If you had saved your password.... Found my designs for my mansion Sketch: Partially completed design:
But in a different fashion, like I proposed in HaloHub. Im open arms to map anybody custom houses. Read This to get an understanding: Then Answer; Will you play it? Ill host it, fer realz. My server is actually quite empty. Right now im just editing some things on my game so space is quite open. Also I can open all the required ports for it.
acshually, halohub looks incheresting. retarted syllables aside, i wish i had a PC which worked well enough to do this. i have one piece of **** PC which might be able to play it, it is just ridiculously slow. so, would this work on a piece of ****? i have good interwebz...
What the **** you can't run a simple 2D game? Does it even run minesweeper? Its really time to upgrade. I had a 10 year old computer that could easily run something like that.
All @ Killor: I don't want to bash your game-making skills or anything, but I didn't like Halo-hub for two reasons: 1) Couldn't use it 2) I don't really like the tibia engine. However, I <3'd the FHRPG that Fbu made on Eclipse.
i didnt know. my computer takes a while to open a browser window, so i didnt know if it could run a game.
HaloHub looks like a great game, it's just that not a lot of people like the Tibia engine. The Eclipse engine is a lot more simplistic and easier to understand.
Yeah its really the engine. I like what you were going for, but the eclipse engine beats the tibia engine tenfold.
I think we should incorporate halo sprites and lore into the game since we are a mainly halo focused site... Maybe your characters could be spartans or marines, elites. etc...