A map with one or two drivable vehicles. if possible. or i could take out this useless mw2 disc and just drive the warthog....
HAH!! I don't take credit for this though, I distinctly remember someone from this forum having this idea NohomoIhope.
YouTube- MW2 Map Pack 1 LEAKED!!! Not a joke!! Watch it quick, it'll get taken down soon. If it does: CoD4 Maps coming back: CRASH OVERGROWN New Maps: COMPLEX COMPACT STORM It might not be legit, but if it gets taken down, it is.
only a little bit also, if that video is legit than i will be happy, because those are my favorite maps. what changes do you think they will make to them?
Hopefully none, otherwise I'll be pissed. Maybe if they added MORE spots. Like that one glitch that used to be on crash to get on top of the really tall building(by jumping on the pipes and that blue box.)
i was thinking absolute remake, but skins redone. like, overgrown could possibly be a snow level. and crash, idk about that one.
Stocked stop being a fanboy MS payed soot fo the MW2 DLC this is just Activision being awkward in my view with way EA have kinda chosen PS3 more than 360 (BFBC2 beta,Mirrors Edge DLC,Outbursts aba Xbox showing all its got).Well because of that Activision do this oh and the DLC for Ultimate Alliaince 2 DLC going missing on PS3.Activision have basically said time and time again the 360 is better than PS3...Want my opinion keep your DLC,the main game still broke cant imagine what the DLC will be like.
what game system do you use? are you PS3? also, dont use black font. people who use the dark theme cant easily see it.
i believe this,along with the last LMG from COD4,will make a happy man. But i dont suppose bringing downpour and pipeline back wouldnt hurt.
So many campaign guns xD Dragunov, AUG HBAR with the Sniper Scope, PP2000 THERMAL, and on a similair note wtf is the M4A1 SOPMOD?
This... From this article, includes a pic on the side. SOPMOD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -------------------------------- I personally want them to create aesthetically pleasing maps(like banzai from WAW). One thing treyarch did is make beautiful maps.
The new map pack has been confirmed at IGN for 1200 Microsoft points. Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Details, Pricing - Xbox 360 News at IGN Bailout - a multi-level apartment complex Storm - an open industrial park littered with heavy machinery Salvage - a snowy junkyard fortified by stacked debris and crushed cars Crash - (CoD4) Overgrown - (CoD4)
More Spec Ops definitely. On top of that, these 15 dollar map packs wouldn't be such a rip off if it was purely original content, stop with the re hashed maps.