I really want Clan/Team integration to be included. H2 was a good, but I guess just a bit more detail. Profiles/bios, member list, scrim list, etc. That would be really really really awesome.
this is true, if you re-watch the video, the Spartan stops moving and even punches the ground when he activates the Overshield-type thing. I think this ability is just for last-minute saves, like protecting yourself from rockets and lasers and even...Ghost splatters =/
I'm so excited for machinima possibilities with this game! Hopefully the maps will be good for it too.
So, with the whole 'lock' armor ability (Where the guy deploys some sort of bubble saving his life), and the 'camo' ability, and having no equipment, I'm pretty sure that means no Overshield, or the Overshield as we've known it? Yay/Nay? I can't really make a judgment as of yet, it won't be a huge matter, but it's been a pretty big equipment piece, dating back to CE.
It's pretty much going to function exactly like the bubble shield shown in the "Starry Night" H3 trailer. You throw it down and crouch under it, and it'll cover you for a second to save you from splatters/wraith mortars/whatever. But possibly with an explosion attached to it, nobody seems to agree whether the explosion after the bubble shield was due to the ghost impact or the ability itself.
I know this is probably going to make me sound like a crazy mofo, but what if all the clips from the trailer were taken from the SAME map? (Powerhouse) now that WOULD be epic.. it's highly doubtful but I know since rewatching the trailer a lot more than it first seems is actually taken from Powerhouse.
The part showing a invisible sniper... CONFIRMS NO NO-SCOPE MEDAL At the very end of that clip, you see a single medal appear, which is the standard crosshair "sniped" medal.
Weapons have recoil. Their crosshairs extend if you continually fire. Dread's photoshoot of noticeable parts of the vid: Heavy Shotgun Type thing (explosive shells?) Beat Down sequence (it's not just assassinations) Jetpack Phantom Roll (dodge) Scorpion Sentinel-Type Plasma Weapon (Constant Beam) Sticky Grenade Launcher (It's true!) A Vehicle Battle Discuss?
Grenade launcher I personally think it's holding down the melee button infront of someone with no shields. Either that, or an assassination sequence but you move infront of the attacked player during the sequence. Only seen for elites... Covenant rocket/plasma launcher IMO. Also the weapon with the secret sound from the b.net update, because it fires 3 times in one go.
Just in case you didn't know, that's the weapon that made the mystery sound on that one Bungie.net post.