Can I has tutorial for RST's? I really like it and the lighting is astounding, the text is very nicely placed also. I swear to God, I seriously think the effects are 100% awesome.
No depth in either. Vector is good in focal, but it sucks otherwise. bottom has good blending and focal, but, again, but lacks in any other good quality. It's the render.
Not really my style but it's better then keeping the one I have on and use the same Sig for who knows how many months. Thanks for the Sig, Mace...
Not really Why would the first sig need depth. I agree on the second signature, but it still has some depth
Not necessarily, it looks fine the way it is now. Adding depth isn't really going to improve the way it looks.
EGP, how far ahead in sigs do you consider yourself? I don't mean to be rude, but while you're a decent tag maker, you still have far to come. I know you're trying to defend him, but do you even have any experience in vectors? How can you think you have judged something correctly when you don't have much, if any at all, experience in it?