Debate Disturbingly lifelike animate inanimate objects

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Turkey bag56, Feb 2, 2010.

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  1. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    Our definition of life built the pyramids!!!!
    Our definition of life can only explain our life! We are talking about something that can explain all life!
    Our single view of the earth made us think it was flat but people looked at the moon, sun, planets and stars and common sense made them think earth was like everything else and round! And science did come from common sense. Common sense tells us things full towards large objects and there's the science of gravity!
    Still no reply's!
  2. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    I'll restate what I said before T-bag, apparently you didn't read it or weren't able to comprehend it. I'll give you the common courtesy of assuming it wasn't the latter, even though your grammar and arguments say otherwise. Now, life is constant, meaning the definition of life, our definition of life, you know the biology one, that definition of life will never change. It's constant. Why, because that's life. If I were to say hey look at this apple, it shares some qualities in common with this orange, therefore this orange is an apple. That really makes no sense at all. Now on a larger scale, your saying that other things are life, when in fact, they are not. Life as we know it now, will always be life, and nothing else. If there was something new we needed to come up with a name for, it would not be life. It would be a new name. Hence the constant definition of life. Which is why you are wrong. Stars aren't life, and never will be life, and that goes for any other inanimate thing you feel like comparing it to.
    #122 Mischgasm, Mar 3, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2010
  3. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    I though I vowed not to babble with you anymore but I'm bored, your wish for a reply will be granted. Who knows, maybe fifth time is the charm.

    For your first point, you got it wrong. What your thinking is that before us, there was already 'definitions' imprinted into the universe, on things like animals, plants, and apparently stars, and we are discovering in this thread that definition for stars. What is true is that we make the definition of things, and intend for them to be 'common sense' (in which we have failed). We observe that in the universe and classify them, and your classification for things composed of cells, that reproduce, react to stimuli, etcetera, as alive. We seem these lights in the sky and determined that they are composed on various elements, and generally classified them as stars. If we discovered that they fit the classification for life, we would consider then alive, but they do not.

    When you say "but people looked at the moon, sun, planets and stars and common sense made them think earth was like everything else and round" You sound like a complete moron. In that time people looking at the moon etc was not common, thus the flat view, so saying that it was the common sense is idiotic. The term common sense refers to sense that is common. If I knew what common sense means and you don't, it's not common sense, see? You have serious problems with definitions, it's like it would take a paradigm shift for you to understand. All logic, evidence, reason and majority stands against you but you persist, I'm actually coming to admire your ignorance, it's definition ignorance' definition.

    edit- lol mischgasm
    #123 Seaboro Kibbles, Mar 3, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2010
  4. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    1) 2 things that anyone would think are the same yet one is alive and one is animate.

    For your first point, you got it wrong. What your thinking is that before us, there was already 'definitions' imprinted into the universe, on things like animals, plants, and apparently stars, and we are discovering in this thread that definition for stars. What is true is that we make the definition of things, and intend for them to be 'common sense' (in which we have failed). We observe that in the universe and classify them, and your classification for things composed of cells, that reproduce, react to stimuli, etcetera, as alive. We seem these lights in the sky and determined that they are composed on various elements, and generally classified them as stars. If we discovered that they fit the classification for life, we would consider then alive, but they do not.

    You post had nothing to do with my point and once again, we are talking about a defanition that can explain all life. (because there's no "definitions imprinted into the universe" so life comes in many different types) fail much?

    2) With one view, Earth looks flat. With many it does not. Same with life.
    Our view of life is worst than 1 persons view of earth.
    Think of the size of Earth then the size of the universe.

    When you say "but people looked at the moon, sun, planets and stars and common sense made them think earth was like everything else and round" You sound like a complete moron. In that time people looking at the moon etc was not common, thus the flat view, so saying that it was the common sense is idiotic. The term common sense refers to sense that is common. If I knew what common sense means and you don't, it's not common sense, see? You have serious problems with definitions, it's like it would take a paradigm shift for you to understand. All logic, evidence, reason and majority stands against you but you persist, I'm actually coming to admire your ignorance, it's definition ignorance' definition.

    So your saying the two largest and most interesting things in our common veiw were never looked at? Once again your post isn't about my point...
    I am aware you probably didn't know what I wanted a replay to since you missed awhile?

    He's ignorantly glorious it seems. He will go down in history.
    Why thank you! But I will probably go down for worlds most bored person!
    #124 Turkey bag56, Mar 4, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2010
  5. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Does this mean you have been trolling this whole time. Because if it were true it would aptly explain how someone could just ignore everything we have shown them, even with proof. So please let this just be a troll and lets close this thread.
  6. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Turkey Bag, this so called debate has been resolved. What we are doing right now is pretty much spam, off-topic bicker. I'll give you one post to have a final say, and if nothing changes I'll call for a lock. If you need help at your level, go to a therapist or something, not this forum.
    #126 Seaboro Kibbles, Mar 4, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2010
  7. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    I'm not trolling I'm just bored!
    Oh and I'm the one ignoring people? Still no reply!!!
    This debate is anything but over! If it has been "resolved" I won because I still have no reply! You can try hide from the truth but the truth will always survive!
    Horrible insults don't win debates! Guess you know that by now!
  8. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Haha, looks like we can lock it now. I'm going to request one.

    Mods are sleeping, try again later.
    #128 Mischgasm, Mar 6, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2010
  9. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Reply to what?
  10. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    Running from the truth wont get you anywhere!
    1) 2 things that anyone would think are the same yet one is alive and one is animate.

    2) With one view, Earth looks flat. With many it does not. Same with life.
    Our view of life is worst than 1 persons view of earth.

    Think of the size of Earth then the size of the universe.

    I've been waiting quite some time for a replay but it never came....
    We all know why that is don't we?!
  11. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    3) A definition is a ****ing definition.
    4) No science is absolute.
    5) Having said that, there is a huge ****ing line bigger than all of your ignorance combined that divides practically unprovable theories from almost absolute fact. You sir are referring to the former, and thus you have no proof, sources or even a basis to provide your thesis. **** off and die.
  12. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    That there is defiantly an infraction! You may need to seek help!
    Earth's life definition = Earth only! Oh yeah, you skipped both my points again because you know your wrong!
  13. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    I'm definitely getting a mod to lock this now. This is ridiculous.
  14. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well done guys. Great debate.
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