To those that say the playlist is too hard, it is quite challenging. Every competitive MLG player is likely to be playing right now, so it's no wonder. It really takes some focus to make your way through a match. To those that say the playlist is too easy, I feel as if MLG FFA is the single most challenging playlist in Halo 3. Yeah, definitely not easy. Shanon, your getting 52 on Ldown just means you're brilliant at Halo, not that the playlist is easy. What playlist is harder, anyway?
I tend to get compliments like that. Thank you. But, MLG FFA, or just FFAs in general, is about being aware of your surroundings and how to not get caught in big fights. The best thing you can do in a FFA is immediately look for where the hotspots are in the match and respond to them accordingly. One great tip, DO NOT RUSH OR CHASE. There is a difference from being an aggressive player and a stupid one. Make the players come to you, always. I might write a more in-depth guide, but meh. Only if it's in high demand. What playlist is harder..... Probably for me, MLG. I find it difficult to actually make sure my teammates know what to do and know what not to do. Team games for me can either go amazingly well, or fail. I'm the only person that I know I can rely on at all times, which is why I'm very good at FFAs.
Free for All and Halo seem to be 2 things that just dont work together. The fact that it takes quite long to kill someone and that Halo has always been a Team-based shooter dont fit with the concept of Free for All. In fact, free for alls become a kill stealing fest. Not that this means MLG FFA is not fun. But it really doesn't show a lot of skill if you win a FFA on Heretic 50-10-20. You were just that guy sitting on Car2 or Top Base and killing the guys being stupid enough to walk in front of you. Especially Heretic doesnt fit the 8 man free for all idea. If you die, you can be sure to spawn car1 or in the bottom of one of the bases and get team shot as soon as you go top base or take one of the doors. There is no walking around the map and 1 v 1 duels often end with a lucky guy taking out both players. If you want to play FFA, I recommend to play CoD4 or Mw2, because the maps seem to work far better with FFA and people die much faster. I would also recommend Bungie to test a FFA SWAT setup (no joke) Im up for constructive critism Ovy
Demanded highly. To Modern Warfare 2 FFA arguement: I don't know, man.. I feel like Halo FFA requires a ton more skill though than MW FFA. Just by camping, I guarantee that you can't top a skilled player's score. Good players win, bad players lose. The thing about MW2 is that, well, when my friends went through their Modern Warfare phase, and I continued to play Halo, I could beat them in FFA with barely any experience. As long as you're trigger happy, you can win. And AC130's? And Modern Warfare everything is notorious for camping out... I've NEVER EVER seen any of that in playing ranked Halo FFA (20+ games). Especially on Heretic, a player doesn't have the chance to 'camp.' If you're not moving every second, you'll get blasted by grenades.
MW2 takes a lot less skill to be successful at. Even with a poor response time, if you have a good spot to camp, you will win a MW2 FFA. Halo encourages thoughtful maneuvering due to the Halo 3 shield system, as opposed to MW2's 1-shot M16/FAMAS health. Halo 3 FFAs, and MLG in general, takes a lot more skill to actually master and understand.
I agree with you that H3 takes more skill to win than cod4 and way more than mw2. I see alot of people in deathmatch, ctf and demolition who just camp their objective (or at a cheap spot in Deathmatch) for easy kills. They ***** the killstreaks, nobody cares to win the game it is more important to get an AC130. This is why i like mw2 ffa's, you have to move around the map to get your kills, but i dont feel like you have to move a lot to win a Heretic FFA. I see so many guys campin at P3, Car2 and on top of the bases. Everyone else gets constantly killed because he spawns on the bottom of the map which means a huge disadvantage against players on elevated positions. In addition, they will often get team-shot. -Ovy
i agree. i played it, and it did suck. especially the version of assembly they have... the spawning is awful. i'd spawn in the middle of fire and die instantly, about 1/3rd of the time. maybe i'm just not skilled or cool enough, but I get sick of the BR all the time. Not to mention I was hoping for some KING or ODDBALL games, and there is just slayer. for me, MLG FFA is just a big headache. but like i said i play for fun, don't care much about skill, so that's probably why
MLG FFA takes more patience, if you don't enjoy the BR or enjoy slayer games for whatever reason, this probably isn't the playlist for you. If a person's only way to get kills was through kill stealing, they wouldn't win. They need to be able to win individual BR battles as well. It's important to keep firing you weapon as long as there is a person to shoot at. If you camp P3, you'll probably be taken down pretty quickly, I know I like to single out people when I play on heretic. I haven't played on Assembly though, I've only gotten Heretic and Guardian once. You're right though, some maps are better than others for FFA but if you have a solid BR, you have a chance.