Can you go on the internet on the game? Can you dance around naked and harass someone? Can you hump a wall? Can you rape a book? Can you repair a kitchen sink? /immature response. Who was uber pro on this, like highest (I'm guessing there was levels since it's an RPG) level?
Demon fire twinz Me and the people i played with also bought the biggest house in the game. All thanks to hide and seek. and sixpack*
You actually can, Fbu added a hole in a wall after a discussion about how sexy that wall was. I was higher. Wait, what did I do?
I think it was sixpak that joined me in overloading a glitch to get levels many over the max. like craaazy xp...
I miss all those good times staying on for hours talking to so many people I knew on the game and on the forums. That's where I became friends with Sixpak, Pigglez, Fbu, etc... See, without this game I probably wouldn't have gotten to know a lot of the different people I am friends now with. Though, sadly, I don't talk to them near as much as I used too anymore.
I think someone else did it with you, although it happened to me as well. I used to have a picture of whatever level it was, I think it was something like 34,000. I blame you for not being on Skype often enough.
Is this gonna be for mac when it's re-released? I missed out last time, and now I no longer have a windows machine.