The explosion looked to me like the ghost's collision. There's probably a small particle effect for anything that collides with the bubble (bullets, vehicles, etc) but since it was a vehicle there were many collisions at once, for the explosion type effect. I'm starting to wonder if Reach will be a 2 disk affair like ODST was. Everything in it just looks too incredible and too detailed to all fit on one DVD. Remember that for ODST, they cited saving disk space as one reason for cutting the BR, so we can reasonably assume that game was pusing the storage limits for single player and Firefight. If Reach has a longer campaign(as it should) as well as forge, firefight, and multiplayer, AND everything looks even better than ever before, I doubt it will all fit on one. That would make a very detailed forge mode more likely as well, since it would only have to share disk space with multiplayer.
I don't think the personal shield actually caused any explosion. YouTube- Halo Reach Multiplayer Beta Trailer Slow-Mo [HD] Looking at :37, there's nothing coming from the actual player as his shields go up and protect him. Also, through the slowmo it seems that the ghost trying to splatter didn't seem to make direct contact, and not actually splatter (evident by the "Press X to board Ghost" button). At the end, you can see the player uncrouching. I don't know if that's part of the animation for the actual loadout, or if he simply uncrouched, but it means there's some movement while using this personal bubble shield. EDIT: Actually, you can see the orange around the screen before he's splattered, and people are still spraying at him when the Ghost bows up - maybe it is a quick, bubbly overshield?
I think it was just an overshield. The explosion looked like it was from the ghost. Or possibly a very strong, short OS, because he survived the ghost splatter.
0:47 is that "secret new" weapon (atleast I think it is) which you can hear on Don't know if its been mentioned before. This just looks amazing though and the new shielding on the players looks shexy.
Do I see the button layout switching back to Halo 2 default? Pause at 2:23, it clear says "Hold X to..." It could be an alternate button layout, but as far as I remember in Halo 3 there was no button layout that had X for picking up weapons. Either that's the new default in Reach, or an alternate button layout. Don't know why they would switch it, but hey, I did like it better in Halo 2.
Found a thread on, it's a huge analyzation, noting all the little details of the video. LINK Look (taken from the album linked above) I'm gonna go ahead and say that's not a plasma grenade.
That bubble reminds me more of the way the bubble shield was revealed in one of the Halo 3 commercials than anything else actually. Remember when the Chief dropped one on the ground to survive a Wraith mortar? The personal bubble looks like that. YouTube- Halo 3 Trailer That. The personal bubble seems to work like that.
The pre-defined call outs thing sounds interesting... Now here's the real question: Will there be an ability to add call outs to custom maps in Forge, e.g. a territory marker style object that you can name to create a call out?
When it shows you the HeadHunter gametype, You die and flaming skulls come out and sometimes more come out than others. I think the higher kill streak you have the more skulls will pop out when you die, maybe giving the other player some type of advantage.
I'm predicting that you'll be able to Forge 'Firefight' maps ... if you can, that'll be the most boss thing Bungie have ever done.
I doubt it, people would just make impenetrable fortresses to hold out in forever. But it looks like Invasion will be forge-friendly since it's a standard multiplayer mode. I wanna know what that Covenant bean weapon near the end was.
As I said in the PPC, they better include invisible barriers in Forge ... cause if they don't you'll be spending most of your budget escape-proofing the maps... "lollr ... i can out ur mapp wif teh jettpac"
One thing I saw was "Callouts". If you look at certain points in the video you'll see "High Bridge" below the radar. I also noticed Overshield, Camo and Radar Jammer have recharge rates. There's a new mode called: "Generator". Im gonna update once I see anymore things that look interesting!
I really dont think it would be like that at all. I just dont see Bungie doing that. If anything it will just be armor attachments such as the jet pack, sprint, active camo, personal shield, etc. This is also somewhat reasonable too since calling it a loadout would be exagerating which is what all game companies do when showing off there game. edit: also in that small section of the video labeled "loadouts" its showing all the different "perks" for your armor. Which also shows that it will probaly be just armor attachments.
Yeah i was about to make that point Duckman, the area that said loadouts (as Duckman said) shows a person running a person with a jump pack and then presumably the one with the personal shield. I would like to think you start with default guns, choose your "perks" for the match and every time you die, you can choose something else. Or maybe only one person can get suck perks as jump pack, sprint, camo, so in certain games aka mlg 4v4 your squad has to give who ever is best at that perk, the perk.