Stoneclaw Hangar Hey this is my first map it is called Stoneclaw Hangar. Backstory: In the late years of the halo wars this UNSC hangar/repair station was overtook by the brutes. Th brutes used the hangar and kept all weapons close in case of an attack. Eventually the brutes left to capture a small base far away named Sandtrap. Now many bounty hunters have been hired to retrieve items from this hangar it is up to you to kill these bounty hunters and claim what belongs to the UNSC. Stoneclaw Hangar is a casual map which is based on an abandoned hangar type of theme. It is a map which i made a couple of weeks ago. It took me all in all about 4 or 5 hours. It has been tested by me and my friend, JKDPhantom, along with 3 guests and we found it a fun map to play on. I hope you have as much fun as we did. Weapons and Equipment: 1 Sniper Rifle (2 extra mags) 1 Rocket launcher (0 extra mags) 1 Needler (2 extra mags) 1 Brute Shot (2 extra mags) 1 Fuel Rod Cannon (0 extra mags) 4 Battle Rifles (2 extra mags each) 4 Spike Grenades 2 Plasma Grenades 1 Trip Mine Picture Time!!!! The Bridge and Center Overview 1 The right storage area The left storage area The overground entrances to the storages The underground 1 with entrances to underground 2 (left) and the storages (right) The tunnel connecting the undergrounds The underground 2 (under the Center The sniper Overview 2 The Center The front of the hangar (with a fuel rod) Well thats my map i hope you will enjoy it! Supported Gametypes: Slayer Download link: Stoneclaw Hangar Special thanks to JKDPhantom for his help with testing and to his brothers (the guests i tested this map with) for help with testing the map.
Im confused, is this supposed to be like the campaign level crows nest? Also you might wanna use more merging in your maps or you'll get alot of hate mail
no it is not supposed to be like the campaign level although it is a bit like it. im sorry its hard to understand i am going to create a video for it. so expect a video tomorrow. P.S.there may not be many people playing on the video though EDIT: it is not merged that much because it simply doesn't need it. Even if i wanted to merge it wont let me place any more items on the map. So merging would shrink the map hugely Also i apologise that the pictures were taken on forge i had already uploaded them when i realised they weren't the pics from the testing rounds
merging alittle will not really shrink the map but what it will do is make it look alot better.. think if bungie said instead of locking this together lets leave gaps it will look bigger , lol wouldnt work its 2010 no one will dl a map thats not merged
This map looks very good. Nice clean forging, no mistakes I can see in the videos. It looks like it might be a little unbalanced on one side, but I could have missed something looking at the pictures. You may possibly want to have the storage areas lead somewhere, or they are unused/camping areas :/
Yea i agree, and to add to that you said you had an item limit problem well you kinda wasted like 10 fusion coils in the "storage area" (which i think you should just take out of the map)
Thanks for the constructive criticism and for the idea ill be sure to change that in v2 Sorry Jrcane4455 i cant add a video tonight as not enough people are online