Looking over some of my old, unfinished maps I came (lulz) across this map. It goes back to April of 2009 where I had created this map but never completely finished it. I had set it up for the "Pirates" gametype but the gameplay was dull and pretty boring. What I want to do now is finish this map but the problem is I am stumped on what it needs. This is where ForgeHub comes in, any ideas on how to make this map the best it can be would be much appreciated. Gametype ideas, items it needs or any constructive input is what I'm looking for. The map uses an OLN canvas so the item limit should not be a problem. It has $115 budget and most of the items left. The updated Pirate Ship. I have named it the "Red Pearl" on account of it's red glow. The Island which is situated perpendicular to the Ship. An overview of the map showing the island and ship. I am really looking forward to finishing this map so I need all the help I can get.
hmm lookes pretty cool. mabey add an inside of a ship with holes on the side and rocket lunchers near the holes so players can shoot rockets or snipe at players on the island (kinda like cannons on the side of the ship) also a way to get on top of the sail to snipe.
There is already a bottom floor inside of the ship with two wall slits that are able to be shot out of. There is also a horizontal wall on the back sail which can be jumped to. From what you described it seems as though I should add weapons to the map. Would brute shots work as cannons?
You should really add sails with wood pieces then post this also in Aesthetic Maps because it's epic and perfectly forged. For infection, I think it might be better if the infected jump onto the ship from the island instead of the other way, since the ship is really the centerpiece of the map (at least for traditional infection). It might also be good for an air-assault type game.
I totally agree. -Sails would be epic. -I think a few strategically placed Shield Doors could create the effect of water. -You should use a few TinCups to make yourself a Bad Ass Pirate Flag. -And stock the bottom of the boat with Fusion Coils, cuz what Pirate rolls without his Rum. -A couple crates on top of the ship cuz it is lacking cover, and most ships have a lil cargo. -I think Swords and Brute Shots would play amazing on this level, It was suggested you add Snipers- but I think the layout of the map might make that a bad idea. -I think you should delete that whole 'Island' you made and instead use your budget to put the ship in a Dock. That way the boat can be flanked from different sides increasing the gameplay. I like the idea of an Island but that DOES NOT look like an island, especially when you did such an amazing job building that ship it kinda takes away from it you know? -Instead make multiple Islands around the ship using inverted Tin Cups and spread them out like 'Lilly pads' in a pond. And maybe on one of the Islands you can spawn a Coconut (Oddball) and call the Game "Castaway" or something to make you think you are fighting for food lol. All these are just suggestions, feel free to use any/all/none of them. Looking forward to seeing the finished product. Add me if you need help testing GT= DIRT JOCKEY
Now that I think about it, I may just leave this map for the "Pirates" gametype and work on an extremely detailed asethetic pirate ship. Or I could go with Dirt Jockey's idea and make a competitive map of a pirate ship at a dock.