Those were RETROSPECTS about the work and design put into those two maps. They have nothing to do with Reach.
the posts on about guardian and construct were describing what they did when making them for halo 3.. they had nothing to with reach. :/ EDIT: sorry, i just pretty much repeated what the last person said ^^
Okay so we have A. Hammer B. Rocket. C. New Fuelrod (the big purple looking deal .59 in the vid) D. Personal shields (.36 in the vid) E. Jet packs F. Barrel roll ability G. New gametypes H. Totally new banshee design I. Unlimited areas of map to play on (via jetpacks) J. Invasion = Fire Fight???, or 10 v 10 aka big team battle. K. New sentinel beam (1.29 in vid) Still unconfirmed Spartan Laser.
Callouts will be a more used thing now, as the different areas of the maps are now named, and your motion tracker tells you what callout you are at: examples include: "Concrete Walkway", "Boiler Room", "Barren Field". The SMG appears to not be in the game The sword is the same as in Halo 3. There are 10 hits in its battery life. There are loadouts now according to the video. Im assuming you have your basic weapons to choose from and the power weapons like rockets and such will still be found on the battlefield like the good old days. New gametype: Spartans Vs. Elites. [Invasion] Gears of War-esc diving ability. Deflecting Ghosts splatters via personal shield. New gametype involving destroying other teams generators.
OMG, what is that weapon at 0:44? =o EDIT: Also, I think the Invasion mode is PvP, not Firefight. At 0:47 you can see someone playing as an elite in first-person. And the gametype says "Invasion Slayer" so maybe every gametype has an Invasion variant that is Spartan vs Elite.
That new gun seems to be a fuel rod gun that shoots tracking stickies, note i locked onto the warthog and blew it up. Yeah Invasion is probably more like a btb variant of slayer ctf etc.
Everyone has known about that weapon for awhile now its like a future grenade launcher. Also the personal shield seems like it deflects other vehicles probably. It would be pointless if it just deflected ghosts. The active roster people think it means that people can join a game in progress. Edit: Loadouts seems to be a gametype were you select your ability or something.
Yeah id hope they don't mean loadouts like choose your class from a main screen (cough cough call of duty) but who knows we will all see may 3.
Thats what a loadout is... Like in Call of Duty and Bioshock 2. I already mentioned what I thought It would be like.
You guys do know that Call of Duty didn't invent loadouts, right? They've been used for a while....if I had to put my finger on a single game that started it, it would probably be Battlefield 2, NOT Call of Duty. I hate when people think everything is a Call of Duty knockoff when they haven't done anything particularly original. Anyway, I have to admit I'm not a fan of loadouts in general. I like when everyone starts on an even plane, and grabbing weapons is a part of the game. The jetpacks also seem kind of ridiculous. However, I'll have trust in Bungie that they know what they're doing and that the game should be epic.
I personally know that loadouts have been used for ages, I just used COD as an immediate example. I think the power weapons will still be littered around the map though... Just like the AR, Pistol, DMR, Shotgun and Sniper will be available for loadout... Thats just my guess though. If someone had a Rocket Launcher all the time, Id hate the game.
Agreed, though I'd much rather see Sniper and Shotgun not as pickup weapons, either of those all the time would annoy the hell out of me.
The few second sequence they have for Headhunter is badass. Also, anyone have any idea what the 'active roster' is?
If loadouts include Rocket launcher, snipers, or shotguns, it could break the gameplay. Anyone thought about how loadouts will effect customs?
The active roster means that people can join games in progress. So if someone on your team quits someone else will join to replace them.
Hopefully an option to disable them is available. I'm hoping certain game types don't have loadouts(maybe only invasion and certain playlists). Maybe "The Arena" Is a playlist group where it's like old halo, weapons scattered across the map.
I don't think Bungie made the mistake of incorporating weapons into loadouts. I hope your special ability is just a choice option in the game menu, like a piece of armor is in Halo 3.