Sandbox Epitel

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Noxiw, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    I'm at loss for words

    This looks AMAZING
    It seems like you put a lot of work into making the aesthetics playable and look nice, as well as make as much of hte map functional.

    I vote for a Feature.
  2. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Thanks Rorak. :) I do need to update my sig don't I? :)

    Always great to hear someone call your map "the epitome" of any department. I've spent alot of time creating playable aesthetics in this map, and I do think it paid off.
    Thanks Phenom. :)

    Haha, thank Xang. The design was able to be more apparent because the actual scale of this map has been enlarged, which in turn allowed me to go crazy with small details. (AH HEART SMAL DETALZ!) The Asset version is ready to be released, and is in my fileshare, I just need to get a few games in on it, and create a write-up. :)

    All the nuetral power weapons have been timed out so that they are equal in distance from both bases. (It all depends on the route you take to get there)
    Thanks for the support man! :)

    You have a very valid point sir, Thanks for the added defence. :)

    Thanks Manray, also, you should probably put all that stuff in your signature instead of adding it to the bottom of your posts. I wasn't even aware it wasn't your sig until I quoted your post. lol. ^-^

    Thanks Toxic, I spent alot (ALOT) of time creating, tweaking, failing, tweaking, getting frusterated, and so on, on that mancannon. It finally worked though, and I'm glad you enjoy it. :)

    Oh it plays better my friend! Thanks for the support. :) I've definetely got some maps being loaded into the barrel of my posting-gun, I'll let you know. ... </bad analagy>

    Thanks :)

    Thanks Spix. As previously mensioned, I love aesthetics, and I love to make sure they serve a purpose other than to look at them. I'm glad you enjoy the map :)


    You know people, if you all say it should get a feature... you should recommend it as a feature. :) Hahaha, no harm in self-promotion right?
  3. Nondual

    Nondual Ancient
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    Congrats again on making it into the forgehub favorites voting -

    Lol, I'm cracking up that my map is kind of competing against yours. It will be fun to see who wins, although I'm sure yours obviously will.

    Overall I think Epitel is better than Mandala. But like we were talking, the maps are so different it's easy to appreciate them each for what they are. And in the end we'll be playing the crap out of both of them anyway. HoLLAA!!

    And thanks again for having me in the credits and sceen shots, it's really cool to me.
    #23 Nondual, Feb 15, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2010
  4. SP Dark Killer

    SP Dark Killer Ancient
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    I liked a lot of things about the first edition of this map that were chaged in this one and vice versa.
  5. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    Looks awesome. Maybe add a teleporter somewhere for easier access to the D-Base? It does seem like Defenders have a massive height advantage, not to mention easy Dune camping. A teleporter to the top of the D-base would make gameplay flow a little easier. And it would have be non-campable, of course.

    Looks very epic, however. Downloaded :)

    I'll check out the spawns and see how they work. In one of your videos, i did see some bad spawns that looked like they needed to be fixed.
    #25 superduper66, Feb 18, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2010
  6. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    Looks amazing bro. Qued for download. I'll come back after I've played it.
  7. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    You released now lol. Im not the first to say but COOL!
    This map kicks ass testing was a blast and Forging is great. I love the aesthetics to the map it just brings it out. Jut me but that Sword spawn is a ***** lol. Love the map man its neat, sexy and just all around fun to play on. Couldn't have done better.
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I played this today, here are some of my thoughts:

    I felt like the map was extremely one-sided and really not well-thought out enough. Sure, it looked great. However, the whole map was the journey of getting up to this super high tower and grabbing the flag. Once the flag is thrown down (I played One Flag BRs), it's easy to cap from there. Sounds more like Tower of Power than a fun flag game to me. I felt like the routes didn't have much different options or pros/cons, the height was too high, and overall seemed like a collection of good-looking structures working their way up to the large defensive base.

    There's definitely some good to say on the map. I like your use of between the dunes and avoiding the overused common area. That kind of move makes your map unique and interesting. The structures overall were really nice looking, especially the defensive base.

    A few other odds and ends: at one point, someone got stuck in the lift. Not sure what was up with that, lol. Your plasma nades are on a runtime minimum which is forcing there to be a certain amount in the game at all times=me throwing a gazillion plasma nades without moving. You might want to lower that number or remove it entirely. The defensive base has a massive height advantage, one that the defender can easily step back from without any risk whatsoever.

    I did enjoy my game, however I feel like your design skills could definitely be improved (there's not much you can do in terms of tweaks on this map, but in the future). :)
  9. LinkinPork

    LinkinPork Ancient

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    This... lemme catch my breath. This is one of the best competitive maps I've ever seen! Bravo, Bravo.
  10. ott2own

    ott2own Ancient
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    I remember when i first saw your 1st variant of this map "Epivolc" i think?. I was so amazed i probly looked at it in forge for 20 minutes.It was unlike any map ive ever seen before and was just beautiful to me.I knew then that you were a gifted forger and that I really wanted to play any map that you were involved in making.Well I didnt think that map could really get any better,but you took an already great map,rebuilt it all amazingly (dang your a patient dude!) and tweaked it a bit somehow making perfection even more perfect!

    I really love all the extra features u added like the beautiful forge work around the man cannon, and the hole where u can drop down in red base.I also love how u included a Sentinel beam where as most would shy away from it cuz its just like soooo noob and not MLG PRO...It fits the map nicely imo because the red base really looks like some epic ancient Forerunner structure. I think this map plays most gametypes really well and this is probly the best 1 Flag map ive ever seen! The weapons layout is great and the spawns seem solid to me.If there is such a thing as a perfectly forged map, this might damn well be it...Congrats and i cant wait to play some more games on this and really am looking forward to your future work! I gotta feeling at least 1 of your maps is destined for matchmaking,besides the Grifball one.If not then its a damn shame and Atlas has no taste whatsoever.. Keep up the good work man! =]
  11. KurmisTheFrog

    KurmisTheFrog Ancient

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    Awesome dude! These are the kinds of maps that make me HATE my current maps like a mother hates her rude and ugly child, but it also inspires me to make great maps in the future. I've only seen this on forge once right after I downloaded it, but I'm planning on playing it during spring break at a party with my friends, this is the kind of thing that they love to play!
    #31 KurmisTheFrog, Mar 2, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2010
  12. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Thanks man, with the current limitations of forging, I really didn't have many other options. (Trust me, depending on what we can do in reach, I plan on revisiting this much more in-depth.) I know an opinion is an opinion, and far be it from me to try to change someone's but, I and many others have had many fun one-flag games on here, maybe you had an unbalanced game, maybe you just didn't feel it, whatever the case, you're entitled to your opinion. :)

    Hmmm... I'm not sure how someone got stuck in the lift, that's a first... And of allllll of the time I spent looking over every aspect of the map, I cannot believe I missed that the stickies are instant respawn... =\

    Maybe you'll have to check out my new map Multicog, planned to be released later tonight. I know you've gotten a few games on it before, I'd love to hear your opinion of that one, in my opinion it's much stronger than this one. :)

    Danke very much man. :)

    Hahaha, thanks Ott, it's always fun to have you in the games with Nondual and all the other regulars, you haven't been on lately... where've you been man?

    Let me know how it goes my friend. :)
  13. RAYZOR 1987

    RAYZOR 1987 Ancient
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    The map layout is outstanding! love the detail and the merging that was put into it. I only see one problem, it's the fact that the layout is only one sided and anyone who is not interested can just walk away into the open. I know that was not the intention, and that your spawns are deliberately focused on the action, but there are those people who just would do anything to ruin the map. Other than that, OUTSTANDING!
  14. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    Amazing map, Just love it,

    I think you meant 4 BR Bursts to meet their Doom? instead of dome?

    IMO, this looks like Relic in some ways, and i thinks thats awesome. I loved in that map where you had the high ground, but still felt vulnerable up there, and i feel you re-captured what bungie's Pro makers did. Great job ^_^
  15. Nondual

    Nondual Ancient
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    Hey dude, it was great to finally get a game with you in it on the slightly altered version. It’s crazy how changing up a couple of weapon and equipment placements will dramatically change the flow of a map. I almost think it plays too fast now. We’ll have to keep playing and tweeking this until we find that “magical every time” feel, that is necessary for the shorter attention spans of custom games.

    Something I wanted to discuss a little bit more (when I’m not heavily intoxicated) are the side man-cannon placements. It’s really cool you like their trajectory the flow they add to the map. The reason I placed them where I did though was to add a little bit more cover to those areas of the map. Plus for how I wanted players to move I thought it would just be the best place. I like to think there is some method to the things I do and not just madness. . . although sometimes I wonder. . .

    At any rate, I wanted to talk a little bit more about it, and I thought this was as good a place as any. Of course if you’ rather, we can just discuss it as we play what I’m sure will be many more epic games on here.

    Post Script: I don’t think I said “I’m excited for Reach” in the games last night. . . No wait, we were talking about stuff in Reach we were really excited about, so I guess that counts. Lol.
  16. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Ancient
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    Really nice, Always loved epivolc. This is 10 x more epic. The chimney works for all santa clauses alike :D
  17. KurmisTheFrog

    KurmisTheFrog Ancient

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    Just played it in a real game with some of my friends. It was pretty fun! I like how you didn't make the shotgun too overpowering, because my friend likes to camp with 'em in every map that involves one and this map I could just BR him before he got too close. The only tip I have, since I'm still not all that great at forge, is that you can delete the weapon holder right from under the sword and it still stands by itself. Not a big deal, but I like to do it. Thanks for the great map, though!

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