To me, this is the single best thing that has ever happened to Halo 3. Bungie has just added an MLG FFA playlist. I'm so stoked. You don't even know. I made a flipping picture of MLG FFA text to put in my File Share, and now the playlist is up. DISCUSS. MLG FFA Playlist Added to Halo 3! | Major League Gaming
I love MLG and this seems awesome....however, I'm not much of a fan of FFA in general...I just wish there was a social MLG playlist (not gonna happen ).
I'm sure you'll like FFA a lot more the MLG way. But who knows? Personally, I liked Lone Wolves but hated the weapons involved, and also liked MLG TS but didn't like the fact that there were teams. This is now a fusion of awesome.
Exactly the same as my opinion. Cool that they added a playlist, wish there was an MLG playlist that attracts less second accounters and cheaters.
I got cheated in my third freakin game...people are seriously cheating at levels below 10. This list is going the way of Throwback and its only been out a few hours...
Hmmmm?! For once i'm actually interested in mlg. I might give this a go, until i get creamed by all of the generals
Really? Sadface. What kind of cheating? I suppose it's inevitable, depending on the kind. MattKestral - You should, it's fun!
Yeah... I wouldn't be surprised if Sticky nades got in the way of the fun, definitely. Still looking forward to it, as long as nobody is throwing out major hacks.
I might play in it, not right now though, there are too many good people rushing in. I prefer to join in the fray after all the good dudes leave, and all thats left is a bunch of idiots that think they're all eMeLGy pro.
@Dewski - I haven't come across anybody that has cheated at all. MLG FFA has sensors, is ranked, and will have tons of people soon enough! The only thing it isn't is Double EXP
yea this was pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to halo 3. however, the only things i hate about it is that heretic is weighted over the others. I love the map and all, but 8 player ffa with plasma nades is purely retarded. If there was no grenade start for this map, i'd be pleased. Also, there are only 5 maps to use, including assembly and lockdown. There needs to be some additional pro foundry/sandbox maps, but yea, mlg's in charge. But what about the pit?? But whatever, a playlist that features FFA, 100% br's with slightly amped damage, and (still) good maps outweigh the flaws i pointed out. mlg ffa was a dream come true, but social mlg remains unseen sadly
As it has no score limit, and is limited to 10 minutes, what's everyone's highest amount of kills in a game? I've only played 3 matches, so mine's 28.
mine was 40 on guardian, along with some guy i tied with. it was my first game out of like 7 total. but everyone in that game sucked (next high was 27 i think). but now, i get murdered nearly every game, but its still fun
I'm sorry, but it'll suck. It's going to be the new Team Doubles, just people running around being amazing at the game, just people 4 shotting all over the place with their amazing skills that we'll never amount too. I can't even break a 20 in MLG and I've been playing the game for 2 years.
I'm not great MLG so I always tend to turn the games on Heretic in to stick contests for myself! Its pretty fun and I've gotten quite a few trick sticks, like bouncing the grenades off walls to stick a player jumping in the opposite direction or lobbing them from across the map! Why are there so few maps? I thought they'd be a few Sandbox variants.