Competitive PC Gamers > Competitive Console Gamers Nuff said. Hope you have luck finding some clan buddy bros
lol I was playing pc beta and got good. decided to buy 3 mo xbl to try demo on xbox. I wasn't used to the controller at all(its gross) But i was still top, no one knew how to play ahaha. Negative k/d is anything below 1. everyone knows dat
In most cases PC gamers are more hardcore... It's ****ing insane playing cod4 on a pc, then going to xbox... WAAAAY easier on xbox, the people are less skilled.
thats because the xbox is a multiplayer console so you can play with friends, something PC gamers may not have and therefore play super seriously and alone.
Why not just soften the requirements a bit? I can understand that you don't want 12 noobs running around getting ruined, but maybe for some people 1.4 is harder to maintain than a 1.0. Perhaps just asking that your K/D be equal to or greater than 1.0 can get cynics off your back. In my opinion if you are 1.0 or better you aren't hurting your team, you are pulling your weight.
No its because consoles are cheaper and poor people buy them and we all know poor people are poor because they're stupid. And also the mouse is a lot better for FPS than a console once you get used to it.
Topic 1: I would lol really hard if your K/D went below 1.4 and you had to lower the requirement. Requirements based on stats is stupid because it means that you are judging them on how many kills they have, not how skilled they are. If a person racks up assists, focuses on supporting the team (med kits, reviving, ammo, destroying objectives, destroying enemy supplies, etc..) then their K/D is going to suffer and you lost a good teammate. Hotpokkaminy is right though- you can be the best on the team with the worst K/D because you care more about the team than yourself. This requirement also means that you need to be a constant "tryhard" and can't sit back, try new things, enjoy the game without worrying about stats. So if you make your clan and require these stats, have fun having 90% snipers on your team and the rest will be the same; self sufficient people that don't worry about winning, they need to play it safe or they will scar their stats... Topic 2: PC gamers are better because they can play without aim assist on. It means that they will probably be more accurate if they are used to a controller. Also, I would join when I get my copy tomorrow. GT: Loscocco
Yeah i have a high K/D spread because when i get to the defenders base as attackers i dont arm the charge, instead i find im much better at thinning the enemies down or causing distractions while my team mates take out who ever doesnt get killed by me. usually when i do this i get around 8 kills if i just keep killing, but when im stuck defending the exact place then i get massacerd by a squad of people at each window lol im just much better at the killing rather then the defending