CANADA Host of the 2010 Olympic Games. Events include The Skeleton Race, The Biathalon and Hockey! HOCKEY For use on the map CANADA. 2-12-Players. 2 Teams. 3 Periods. Toss the Tripmine in the Goal to Score. Spoiler Jumbotron Overview Great Seats! Face Off/Penalty Box Puck Drops @ 10 Seconds He Shoots He Scores Biathalon For use on the map CANADA. 10-Minutes. 1v1. First Blood or most Territories Wins. Poor Camo. Snipers. Spoiler Starting Spot A Starting Spot B Keep It Movin' Keep It Movin' Keep It Movin Along' Keep It Moving ALONGGG! Canada has some of the Worst Drivers You cant Drive it, But you can Flip it! Generic Sniping Structure Skeleton Race For use on the map CANADA. 4-Person FFA VIP Race. 1 Life. First across the Finish Line takes Gold. Spoiler Starting Gate First Jump Half-Pipe Entrance Pipe Dreams Pipe Exit Berm Airtime Last Corner Final Stretch Frequently Asked Questions Spoiler "Can I Escape?" Spoiler "No" Easter Eggs Spoiler Shoutouts to PALADIN M93 for his Epic find of the Canadian Looney placed in the snow to commemorate the Olympic Games. Spoiler Download CANADA Download Hockey Download Biathalon Download Skeleton Race
FAQ FTW! so its all in one map, O.O wowee. Could you please explain the biathlon im a little confused.. And do skeletoniers often fall off?
DIRT JOCKEY does it again. I wish I could have helped but Ive been busy. I wanna play it sometime though. Hockey rink looks great! I like the use of choppers too. This map is clever- good timing. One question- how does scoring work in hockey?
Biathlon is variant of Flag Rally where you must capture as many Territories as possible. The Territories do NOT lock which encourages movement throughout the map. I used this gametype to discourage camping since I give both players Poor Camo and Snipers with Unlimited Ammo. Additionally players move at 150% Speed (To mimic Cross Country Skiing), experience 200% Gravity (To make the course inescapeable and mimic real human physics), they have no shields, deal 25% Damage and have 200% Damage Resistance (Basically 5 shots to the body, or 1 Headshot is Lethal). Its pretty intense. The Skeleton Course is easily traverseable, however with 3 opponents in tow- Getting rear-ended or falling off is fairly common and always fatal just like the real games (RIP Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili) Basically you cross your fingers, haul ass and dont look back. Unfortunately Bungie didnt give me a Hockey Net, Goalie Pads, Sticks or a Puck, so I needed to innovate. I tried many different triggers on many different Gametypes including CTF ASSAULT and TERRITORIES, after hours of testing, troubleshooting and problemsolving I settled on this one... After throwing a Tripmine into the Net, The Tripmine Explodes destroying a Fusion Coil placed on a Teleport Receiver allowing access inside the net. The Teleport Sender is in the Penalty Box. Upon Entering the net you will find your Bomb Spawn and the Enemies Bomb Plant Point, simply grabbing the bomb is all you need to do -it will instantly arm and score your team the point reseting the round. I tried my hardest to avoid Honor Rules, But for best Gameplay: (1) Shooting the choppers main weapon is discouraged (2) Players cannot enter there own goal- And if they do they should not block the Teleporter This is the best I could do...
Canada EH? Looks great the hockey arena looks the best but idk about playing, i wanna play the biathlon, that would be intense......a bunch of long range sniping while partially invisible.
I was hoping it would be a terrible, racist recreation. (with igloos and Tim's and stuff.) So I could yell at you, but thatnkfully, it's not like that at all. It could be made more nicely, but as it's all on one map, I can understand your limitaions. Hockey looks half decent, but the biathalon looks kind of bad.... As I can see, there are no targets to shoot at, so you only really have a marathon. Skeleton looks creative, sortof, you could have made it waay more realistic, but again t's all on one map. And azctually, we dont have bad drivers, just some really, really retarded people who somehow get thier license. Americans have some of the worst road rage, eh.
haha i played this with you yeah its an interesting concept we played with uneven teams but it was still fun good job man