The Monday Thread (Open only on Mondays)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Agamer, Sep 11, 2008.

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  1. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Didn't have to swim in swimming class. :]
    Got out of school at 10:45 :]
    Had to walk home :[
    Had to buy cigs for a friend :[
    Went to Chiptole :]
    Stomach hurts :[
    Free time on the computer :]
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Justice ****ing rock,
  3. Panncakez

    Panncakez Forerunner
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    Bleargh. History essay + rough draft of a short story for English due tomorrow. Wish me luck.
  4. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    you HAVE to see them live before you die. this goes for everybody. they put on a goooood show, without saying a word to the crowd, i might add.

    my monday has consisted of
    -waking up
    -eating a boxed club sandwich from a local diner in my futon(which is always in couch form. i sleep on a couch.), before even putting pants on.
    -putting on and watching Walk the Line.
    -FINALLY convincing my mom that i look like Joaquin Phoenix. I've been trying for years.
    -coffee, Chock Full O'Nuts brand for the ****ing win.
    -dinner, taco salad covered in smoked chipotle tobasco (best ****ing **** ever)
    -Ordered a 640g portable hard drive on amazon.
    -Now i'm about to play NHL 10 until the sun comes up.
    -All of this while singing and humming Johnny Cash's Folsom Prison Blues.

    Life is ****ing good.
    #964 CHUCK, Mar 1, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2010
  5. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    -Woke up feeling extremely tired.
    -Ate half a bowl of fruit loops.
    -Drove to school
    -Spaced out in First hour
    -Complained to my friends how hungry I was
    -Ate lunch which didn't fill me up
    -Complained some more about how many worksheets I got today
    -Finished my Advanced Microsoft II test in 7th hour
    -Drove home from school with the windows down in Minnesota
    -Took a shower
    -Starting working on my poster I've been putting off for two months
    -Ate a wonderful turkey dinner
    -Worked on poster more
    -Got bored and came on the computer
    -Texting someone
    -Typing this :D
  6. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    -Woke up at 4:00
    -Took Shower
    -Got in car
    -Jammed to Yeasayer and Late of the Pier on the way to school
    -Got to school
    -6:30 American regional started
    -Had Pork loin stuffed with Apples and Prunes, Glazed Tornéed Carrots, Creamed Spinach, Rice with red peppers and pine nuts, Cream of Garlic Soup, and Fresh Fruit with sabayon (**** was cash)
    -Went to baking next; 12:00 PM
    -New groups; paired up with really cute girl, talked with her during the whole class.
    -Got home
  7. o1000LioNs

    o1000LioNs Ancient
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    Got a dance partner in P.E. hot one too ;)
    Really didn't do anything in school. =}
    Wish there was Monday night football... :{
  8. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Don't worry. Spring training starts Saturday!
  9. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I win, march break.
    -got up
    -went back to bed
    -got up 3 hours later
    -played my pokemons
    -went into fredericton
    -bought lego batman
    -played it
    -went on halo-broke out of deviation without tipsta's help
    -soon to go play gears or MW2
  10. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    qft .
  11. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    New personal motto: no fear, no excuses, just run.
  12. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Time for my Tuesday 2:04 monthy low-down.

    I'm closing up on my final months of College. I have Film Studies coursework dating back to last August, which i havn't got my head around but shouldn't take long when i eventually do. I have started the second half of my Graphics course, and at the moment enthusiasm and creativity are fairly high, so i'll do good there. I am also just waiting for the results for one of my two Physics exams, wich will determine how many physics resits i will be doing in summer. It could be none, or it could be 3, on top of the actual summer exam i will have.

    I have been accepted by 4 of my 5 choices, just waiting for confirmation from my last. It doesn't matter considering i can only pick 2 and my unconfirmed will not be there. I am extremely happy to have been accepted by Leeds Met, me being the lazy guy who barely puts effort into anything. I was shocked when i got accepted, but then realized that i did put a lot of effort, commitment, and most importantly money into that dam interview!

    Because me making it there is going to be a lucky break, (need 300 ucas points / 3 B's, when i only got C's last year) the uni life is still at the back of my mind. If i don't get in, i will have another relaxed, enjoyable year where i'll probably pick up one or two subjects at college, get a job and learn to drive, or sack it all off and become a Missionary. Overall i will be more prepared for University, and probably come out better than if i rushed my way in. Either way though, win!
  13. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    I've done a whole bunch of **** today :(. I was out for half the week last week because of the flu so I had a lot of make up work to do. And now I'm stuck writing this friggin' essay that I put off for like two weeks. God dammit Monday.
  14. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Had a good wake and bake in the morning. Played xbox and stuff and did nothing fairly special.
  15. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Another zaney story by Vinny =)
    also, Today i found out that roms and emulators are awesome. guess who's playing mario 64 on thier laptop?
  16. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I'm an American, so none of that made sense to me. (I'm being serious)
  17. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    I've just recently learned a similar one: cut your losses and keep going.
  18. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Now that I have a little time to make a legitimate post in this thread, I will take the time to do so.

    So Friday I stayed home from school to chillax because I could and I wanted and it was definitely worth it. Saturday I chilled some more, then later had some people over at my house for my mom and step dad's birthday, which was kind of boring.

    Yet, Sunday was the greatest day of the entire weekend. I woke up, got ready, and my dad arrived early at my house with my cousin and one of my good friends from where I used to live, and we went snowboarding for the day. It was definitely cash for sure, it's always fun snowboarding with other people, the only thing that wasn't that great was the snow, since it was warmer than usual the snow was sticky and melting, but we made the best out of it. Overall, I had a blast, will post pictures probably, maybe tomorrow.

    I found out later that day that this weekend I will be going on my first ski/snoboard trip this weekend so I am psyched and will be psyched for the rest of the week for the weekend to come for this. I will be going with my dad, his friend, and his daughter that's apparantally my age and also snowboards, which is pretty cash.

    As for today, today was long, tiring, and boring. I came home, slept, I ate, then slept from 4:30 to 9:30, woke up chilled, and here I am, ready to go back to sleep.

    So goodnight Forge Hub. I will lock this thread whenever there is atleast one more legit post after mine.
  19. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    Ok so today was a pretty average Monday. I wake up, go to school but since it was raining in PE we got to go to the weight room instead of running the Monday mile.
    Then technology was next which is like shop. We had a sub and our teacher normally a *****. Lucky that
    Lunch was average
    social studies I had to present a book I read which was k
    science my teaher said we were too irresponsible and talke too much to work with hydrochloric acid so we had to read :(
    we just took a test in math instead of listenig to my fat retarted teacher.
    Social studies I liked. I have to do a speech tommorow instead of today and oday we just looked at stuff
    afterschool I got a burger and shake at johnny rockets ( I live within 2 minutes walking to the mall)
    played CoD, posted new SOTW stuff. Followed urban myth and gunnergrunt In matchmakig.
    Dad let me get CSS! Yay
    was a good day
  20. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    I had to go to school even though I was still sore from hiking Sunday. My feet were pretty messed up in the hike, so I was limping around school. On the upside we had an assembly which took up all of the first period of the day (which was 4th period, science) and for the next period we had free time. Even better, the lunch was good, and my last period we got to watch a movie!

    But I still had to walk home from the bus stop :(
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