I'm asking if it will ever come back and I think we should kick back and reminisce a bit as well. I mean, I remember when the mushroom place was released and my clan were the first to discover the shrooms which I remember breaking out of jail with.
No. It probably isnt. I loved that game though. remember when i won the race to top rank? Remember the act 2 lines?
By now he better be working on Chapter 2 of the game on like act 5 of it. If he isn't even done with act 5 by now then there must be some problems going on. I really miss the game and also miss my awesome Hub Pub v2 house that was near completion before the game got shafted [again]...
Lolz. I remember being able to sneak into act II with someone... Then I sold some boots I stole from there for like 10000 'cause I thought I'd get some new ones in a day or so... That was like 7 months ago. EDIT: I also remember not even knowing who Dthen was until FHRPG. Then we would sit there all night just talking and taking down DQ.... RELEASE ACT TWO FOR ****S SAKE!
I woud definitely be willing to help him finish faster if he needs help, just because I never got the opportunity to play it... I didnt have a comp when it was around and when i got one it was canned...
I hated that maze. The First! guild was awesome. I payed for it i think. The problem was that once you let someone in, they would just take the key
My house was like the second largest house next to your guild house, except I was trying to create a second Hub Pub of sorts and it was just epic. I really miss the game and could only wish FBU would see this and start the server again just like old times. Maybe by then we can have Act II or better yet just let me re-live it in ACT I until we get ACT II.