
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by IxXROADKILLXxI, Feb 28, 2010.


    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Zombietacular is a large infection map that consist of large rooms, long halls and high elevations. It took about 8 too 9 hours too make, (which once again) is a short amount of time compared to how much time I usually put in too large maps like this. This map also has one warthog, one mongoose and weapons of all kinds though out the area. zombietacular take more of a fort look from the view outside and includes a lard court yard smack in the middle of the structure. 2-16 can play and experience more of what standard* infection games should be.

    Enough of what you most likely don't care about, so lets get too the pictures already.

















    I fixed up all the probloms with the map and got 16 people too play it, so I decided to show you one round of infection with 16 people on Zombietacular with a renderd video!

    Game type

    Thank you and please download :)
    #1 IxXROADKILLXxI, Feb 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2010
  2. Trentzombee

    Trentzombee Ancient
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    You, sir, are the best infection forger of ALL TIME! I absolutely love all your geomerged maps on foundry like this! The map looks fantastic and I don't really have any criticism(mostly because I haven't played it yet). Just one thing though... on the last picture it shows the humans backing up into a wall. As a general rule of thumb you should always have two entrances into every spot allowed to the humans! That promotes teamwork so people can't just go solo. But other than that AWESOME!

    EDIT: I just forged on the map and it was ****ing amazing! I love these maps that are so compact but have many levels. And I always like how you left room for the vehicles. But yeah that one room looks a little campy, It would suck if everyone just went straight to that spot.
    #2 Trentzombee, Feb 28, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2010

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    You might be right. I well do a few more games on it and see if that spot gets over used. If so I well block it.
  4. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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    I love this map! I mean its a combination of my love of camping spots with cover and large scale maps. Great job 5/5
  5. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    I like the video (I'm in it), and I liked camping in this map. I've seen some of your bunker style infection maps, and they're all pretty good. This one has a good atmosphere, as do most of the others you've made. The gametype is perfect as well, because you gave the zombies normal damage resistance (100%) so the humans are not overpowered.
    #5 Sam, Mar 2, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2010
  6. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    wow, just wow. this map looks incredible 10/10 looks perfect no edieing required.

    ps for some reason this place remined of the base in "aliens" mabey make and AVP or aliens themed game type. interested PM for more info.

    any way great job on the map nothing is needed to make it better
  7. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    Hey Roadkill, still doing those foundry maps I see. =D
    I am a fan of these maps in the sense that they are all really well made and forged almost perfectly. The overall spectrum however, gameplay included, I won't say I am the biggest fan of. The infection games here I find to be a bit anti climatic and for the most part a snooze fest. Yeah, I downloaded the map and tried it out and yes I loved it. So for constructive critisim I would consider adding some kind of WOW factor to your maps. All in all however, don't bother listening to my ranting, its a great map and a job well done. =)

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