Post what you would want to see, heres mine 1)A map that is completely blank with items like Tile:Grass to change into a field or Tile:Sand to turn it into a desert 2)Weather effects, FX:Rain, FX:Snow etc etc 3) Put Als into the map, add a Marine for the blue team and maybe 3 grunts to the red team to even it out 4)The only vehicle in Halo 3 that was never put in. Shades! Putting in Shades would be great fun 5) Missile Turrets (atm u can only use Missile Pod detached) 6) This might be abit stupid but add in an AA gun maybe for a superdefender or a guardian 7) Death barriers 8)More of an item. Example, with 40 Double Boxes you could make a medium-sized fort, but u see how big the sky bubble is and we cant make anything big enough to fill it. 9)Ability to Drive/Board Pelicans,Phantoms and Scarabs. Even if you only so this 1 SCARAB $200 So you could only have one, it would still rule. 10)Supply Cases/DropPods that can hold weapons Now post wat u wud want 2 see
I dont think there needs to be anything. Anything that is added will only make it easier to forge. Making great maps seem more average.
I suppose you have a good point but the skilled mapmakers could make even more advanced mapping. Making it easier to Forge, yet harder to show off
Just like the invention of the word processing computer made it easier to write, making great works of literature seem more average.
That is exactly my point because sooner or later people wont create a map they will just put some stuff like: Small, 4 base, floating and the game will make Guardian for you. Whats the point? That isn't forging
They could advance forging in a number of ways. I'm sure that they'd never forsake our ability to properly design a map just to make the process easier.
So, some of you seem to think that easier forge would make good maps less valuable? This has been discussed multiple times before. And the conclusion has always been that easier forge makes good maps better, along with crappy maps. take this thread for example.