Sandbox fumball v2 sneekpeak

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by AoMUnknownV2, Feb 26, 2010.

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  1. AoMUnknownV2

    AoMUnknownV2 Ancient
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    fumball v2 sneakpeak

    Fumball V2 sneakpeak
    fumball!!!!!!! v2 is coming soon on forgehub and im gonna show you some pictures of fumball v2 compared to the first version and why the second version is really going to be better than the first one, but the first version is fun, but there are some flaws, like the first one is small, and you die easily, and some people say its not fun and its a horrible idea, and that really disappointments me and it makes me want to give up on this game and dont make a version 2 and fix those problems, but i heard from my friends and its getting really popular and it made it on episode 59 on, on halo 3 forges, and that made me really exited and that made me want to make another versian, that was the best thing that ever happened to me and i finally made a map that people really like to play, so thanks to you guys im gonna make a sneakpeak of my map and game fumball version 2 so thanks for the support you guys gave me and to my friends as well, if you haven't played fumball yet heres a link enjoy
    LINK- : Halo 3 File Details
    Version 1 this is the overview of the first one and as you can see its not that big but ive fixed that problem but still fun
    Version 2 the overview of the map and as you can see i made the map bigger and wider so you can have more room, the map is so big that i have to put the speed on 200 and the gravity on 75 to make it over to the otherside when you hit the man cannons, and its perfect
    Version 1 this is the middle of first versian you can see it aint wide and theres no room
    Version 2 (middle) the middle is more wider and people keep complaining you die easly, now i put overshields on and they spawn in 60 seconds so get it while it lasts, and i made the game to 150 points to win because people said the game is long and makes it boring so ive made it 150 seconds and if you want you can make it to 250 if you like
    version 1 the regular blue base, not that exiting

    Version 2 blue and red base, not done yet!! but looks cool
    #1 AoMUnknownV2, Feb 26, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2010
  2. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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    Yes im new to forgehub but i do beleive the map has to be finished to post it
  3. Arazra

    Arazra Ancient
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    Well no you cannot post a map here if it is not done. You actually did everything right with pictures and a description but any map preview posts should be made in the forge discussion thread. Welcome to Forgehub!

    *versian is incorrect, you spell it version.
  4. AoMUnknownV2

    AoMUnknownV2 Ancient
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    its called a sneakpeak,
  5. Foyoman

    Foyoman Ancient

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    But you still have to post it in forge discussion if it is not finished.
  6. AoMUnknownV2

    AoMUnknownV2 Ancient
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    i decided not to put it on forge discussion because more people look in forge maps than forge discussion, its just a sneakpeak!! it will be out soon.
  7. Foyoman

    Foyoman Ancient

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    But you still have to post it in forge discussion if it is not finished.
    #7 Foyoman, Feb 26, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2010
  8. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    Ya but then everyone would post everything in the map section. Theres a reason for the different sections, its so the maps dont get spamed up by things other than maps. But just do it next time, and youll be fine...... or ill call in my goons.

    Just kidding I have no goons. :(
  9. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    I wish everyone was like this person here.

    Anyway AoMUnknownV2 Read this

    Map Posting Rules

    1. Threads must include at least one picture OR video that clearly demonstrates the map.
    2. All pictures must be embedded.
    3. Download links must lead to a posted map on the bungie forums, NOT your fileshare.
    4. You must include at least a brief description of the map.
    5. Thread titles must consist of the map name ONLY - no other symbols, comments or irregular formatting.
    Failure to post your map correctly will result in a topic lock after 1 hour in the absence of a fix.

    Ok if you don't fix your thread, all you really need is a download link and your all good to go, but till then this may aswell be locked or moved.

    EDIT: you have a version 1 link so you are pretty set but why on earth are you posting a preview in the map section. You already posted a version 1 of this map and now your posting another v1 of this map but with a preview of the second version. To me i am not sure but i would think that be a double post.
    #9 Combat P3nguin, Feb 26, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2010
  10. AoMUnknownV2

    AoMUnknownV2 Ancient
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    if you would read the top first then you will know why i made this sneakpeak for ex:so thanks to you guys im gonna make a sneakpeak of my map and game fumball versian 2 so thanks for the support you guys gave me and to my friends as well

    so thats why i did it, for the people that supported me and they can look at the map early before it will get released and they will decide rather they would download the map from the looks of the screenshots, and second of all i really dont care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if i put this on forge maps, its not like im going to get kicked out from forgehub from doing that, like its not that big of a deal, and this sneakpeak was a present to you guys.......... for the people that supported me......... and this is all i get.......... bunch of complaining and it all started that ive didnt put this on forge discussion....... like really........ give me a break

    and the quote from combat p3nguin: but why on earth are you posting a preview in the map section. You already posted a version 1 of this map and now your posting another v1 of this map but with a preview of the second version. To me i am not sure but i would think that be a double post.

    its not a double post ive compaired the first version to the second version and Ive told them why the second version is going to be better than the first and there are sections on the top of the screenshots and tells why the second version is good and why the first version is not good, and if you would read the the top part you would know why i did this. and why is that a problem that i make a preview in the map section well why... its a ****ing MAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    so whats the point, its a map.... why you are making a big fus about it and why are you complaining about a map preview in the map section, that doesn't make any scense
    i can put my posts anywhere i want to and you have a problem about that then STOP SPAMMING ME complaints about it........
    #10 AoMUnknownV2, Feb 27, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2010
  11. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    I have no idea where you get that idea from. Your allowed to post in the section that reflects it, not where you want to for more views.
    This will be moved and you will be possibly infracted for just ignoring the rules for your benefit. We have moderation, this isn't some anarchy where we have no cops and you are free to do what you like. I can't simply tape advertisements to people in real life because it would be more effective to advertise my product; i have to follow the conventional method.
    You say we are spamming you? Spamming means annoying somebody with pointless messages while infact this thread is spam!
    The rules are in affect not to ruin the amount of map views and downloads you can get, they are to keep things fair, but keeping things fair is a whole different issue.
    #11 Orange, Feb 27, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2010
  12. AoMUnknownV2

    AoMUnknownV2 Ancient
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    i put it on halo forge section because well its a map preview in a map section and people are complaining about itand yes there are more people on here than forge discussion so i really don't care if this gets moved
  13. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Ok you blowing up not really a good idea. your post it'self is a form of spam, your making yourself look like an idiot by complaining. Anyway your thread may mostlikey be locked for spaming. BTW with your map you need to make your walls higher you can just jump over them.
  14. AoMUnknownV2

    AoMUnknownV2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    theres going to be a roof
  15. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    First, I would like to thank Blue Pariot for the opportunity to come in here and do my thing. So thank you Blue Pariot.

    Next, I would like to thank the OP for being such an arrogant idiot, because I get to indulge in whatever sadist thoughts everyone assumes I conjure up. So thank you dumbass, thank you very much.

    Onto the matter at hand.

    I'm not entirely sure why idiots like yourself have the tendency to eschew (look I provided a link to the definition, because I know you have no idea what the word means) any help from people that clearly know what they're doing. Why do they know what they're doing? What common sense fills one in on that fact? Well, for one, they're all coherent in their action. They all said that this thread didn't belong here. Second, they've all been here longer than you, except for the first replier, who admittedly said he hasn't been here long, but shows he isn't a fool because he (someone who joined the same month you did) obviously read the rules like anyone with any intelligence whatsoever, would do.

    Now, the other thing that perplexes me is the fact that you go by a moniker with the word "unknown' in it, yet you seek to gain praise and attention by posting a map preview. That's awfully counterproductive in one sense, but in the other, it works, because you won't be getting any attention outside of this thread for three reasons:

    1. You're an idiot, and even people of moderate intelligence tend to hate idiots.
    2. You're arrogant, and even fully egoistical people like myself, tend to hate arrogant people.
    3. Well, we'll get to this later.
    Now it's time for KILL YOUR ARGUMENTS! with your host, the ever-affable, ME!

    ::crowd cheers, move to commercial::

    First, "sneakpeak" is not a compound word, it is a phrase. Second, you spell it "sneak peek," we're not looking at the tips of mountains, unless you're talking about mountains of stupidity, in which case, well, I think you kno- wait no you don't, I'll explain, I forgot where I was going with this, but your mother is a MOVING ON.

    [TRANSITION WORD!], I realize it's out of order, but you essentially repeated the same ****-for-brained explanation twice. So my statement bears repeating. You're retarded. That's it. I'll get to the explanation later too.

    Oh look at that, you're saying we were actually HELPING your cause, unlike the real world, there is such a thing as bad publicity. Like, when everyone laughs at this, you, and then eventually your map because your antics called me in to demean you.

    Protip: Demean means "not being mean" ::snickers:: I like snickers, though I'll probably stop my fascination with them because you probably thought of the candy bar as well when you read that word right now. I HATE SNICKERS. DAMN YOU, DAMN YOU FOR DOING THIS TO ME. YOU MONSTER.
    So that's why you did it? Hm, how anticlimactic. I thought it was to undermine Forge Hub so you could eventually go talk to your friends about how you showed us, and how sma-sma...sma-r... I can't say it...not even when I'm making fun of you....I can't call you smar...NO.

    The problem that arises is, we have rules to keep the forum organized and free of as much idiocy as possible, but when one arrogant fool like you comes in, and essentially quotes Cartman "I can do what I want", well that just ****s things up like I ****ed your mo- couch. If you were really going to give me a present, it would be you leaving the website forever, please, please do that, I don't want the "gift" of seeing your map early, then having to clean up the mess because it was in the wrong section. It would be a bit more understandable for you to argue it all if someone hadn't posted the rules for you to see.

    OH WAIT, combat p3nguin did. Thanks bro.

    I'd show you how to actually quote people on the forums, but seeing as how you can't actually read the rules, why would we jump ahead to application of concepts.

    Was that one sentence? Dear god, I...I don't even know what to say.

    See, your entire post, was admittedly not a map, it was a sneak "peak" for a map. You said that yourself, you named the title of the thread yourself, and now you're just contradicting yourself. It's not a map, it's a preview, and previews belong in the forge section because you're merely spamming up the MAP section.

    Really, I think I've addressed all of your points, I just wanted to correct that horrendous grammar, at least the two that bug me almost as much as you do.

    No, no you can't. Normally when you say "if you have a problem with it" the second part of the phrase is "tell me to my face" but you're going all coward-like and telling people to just go on with their business, when they just wanted to help. I'm sure your teachers said the same thing:

    "BUT BILLY, that's not how you spell 'sneak peak'!"

    "It R Now" and you walked into the sunset, finding out that staring into the sun will blind you, but you did it anyway, because you're cool like that.

    Anyways, your punishment, which is like the cherry on top for me.

    1. This "MAP" is getting locked, forever.
    2. You're getting infracted, forever. (Permanent infractions for the epic win)
    3. You're being relegated to the status of idiot here, YouTube- Forever.
    4. Your "map" whenever posted, will be locked, instantly, for one day, if it's bumped by you, you get infracted. Essentially, you just killed your cause to gain attention for your map.
    In true, you-style, I'm going to use your mantra. If you have any problems or questions, feel free to **** off.

    #15 SargeantSarcasm, Feb 27, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2010
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