Debate Global Warming - End of the World or Slight Disaster?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dreaddraco2, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    This thread is for people who believe in Global Warming, but are considering if it's effects are as serious as some consider.

    Here are some views:

    • Global Warming isn't a threat to all life, it will adapt, but a threat to humankind and our economy.
    • Greenhouse gases may cause toxic levels, which would be a threat to all life.
    • Global Warming is a natural process. Trying to stop it is against nature, if it wasn't for similar disasters, humankind wouldn't have evolved.
    • Global Warming may result in the increase of Natural Disasters.
  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Global warming is a natural process. It has happened time and time again, if it werent for it we'd still be stuck in the ice ages and the world might be something like lost planet.

    Yes, the increase of average temperature would mean larger more powerful hurricanes, but in all honesty once about three hit the east coast wouldn't you be smart enough to move away from there?

    So yes, I beleive its real, I just don't think we need to worry about it. This mentality may be caused by the fact that i live on the west coast and I would probably not be affected by most side affects of global warming other than it being a little warmer.
  3. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Let's see...

    (Take Action 1A)Take Action and waste millions of dollars and fall into a depression to save the planet and everything in it.

    (Take Action 1B)Take Action fall into a depression global warming is fake.

    (Take No Action 1A)Take no Action save ourselves from falling into a depression nothing happens we live.

    (Take No Action 1B)Take no action save ourselves from falling into a depression, global warming is real, world-wide droughts happen, millions die, we fall into a depression regardless, all out war, possible nuclear war, famine, hunger, the entire world becomes inhospitable...

    Seems like a tough choice.

    @RC Ever heard of a tornado? And where the hell do we go if Global warming continues, the entire world is going to get screwed over.
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Needs more sources?
  5. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    radiantrain, i'm going to take a guess you havent heard of mountains? or a nice little place i call the north western states... anywhere with higher elevation that isnt flat is going to be safe from hurricanes, tornados, and most natural disasters... IE the north western states (washington, oregon, idaho) canada too, eh.
  6. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    It's too early to tell. Things like solar spots have more effect on our climate than global warming. Just far too many variables to say it's one thing or another.

    It's still better to live your life as if Global Warming is real because honestly it's not a bad idea.
  7. fiery

    fiery Ancient
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    It will be very costly to do this especially if our government passes cap and trade. Man made global warming has never been proved.
  8. Twinbird24

    Twinbird24 Ancient
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    There was already an entire discussion on global warming in this forum, just search it, there's actually a lot of sources and information in it.
    Anyways, human-made global warming has never been proven (and I believe it never will), so there is no point spending money and time on it. There is some debate whether the earth is even warming or cooling, but either way, it would be natural. As mentioned before, if it weren't for the earth warming up, we would still be in an ice age. Some people complain of glaciers melting, yet there was already miles of glacier that used to cover north America years ago which had already all melted.
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    There have been many. And yes Sun Spots along with a lot of other activities on the Sun have never been scientificly proven, only theorized.

    I agree that the 'green' influence over the past decade has been very influential and beneficial.
  10. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    I don't know what you mean "hasn't been proved" but there are many elements that can contribute to an increase in temperature that are man made.

    The first and most dangerous is Methane gas. It's resonant frequency is in the nm band that is excited by the visible frequency. This causes the gas to excite due to solar radiation which raises it's temperature. Methane is produced in heavy quantities due to our love afair with beef.

    The second big danger is CO2, which also has a resonant frequency in the nm band (specifically the blue wavelength). This also has an increase in temperature.

    While these elements are small they can have an increase in the global temperature simply due to their resonance frequencies. That in and of itself is proof to me that man made gasses could have an effect on global warming, albeit a small and possibly inconsequential one.

    And also it's not just our govt, all around the world change needs to happen.
  11. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    You do realize that we will still lose more than 1/4th of worlds lands and you forget about climate change and agricultural resources... How do we farm or get food in mountains. How do we survive in over-populated mountains? It's not as simple as you make it seem.
  12. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Hasn't the temperature only risen about 1% over the past 100 years or something like that?
    I have no source, just going off what I've heard before*
  13. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    I think the global temperature has risen 0.6 or 1.6 degrees Celsius in the past 100 years, based off part of a random documentary.

    There's a documentary that I've seen but can't remember saying that 6 more degrees Celsius and alot of life will die.

    However, remember that when one animal dies off, another is worse off (predators), and another is better off (prey).

    A rise in temperature would spark rapid evolution.

    You could consider global "disasters" as Mother Nature's "Reset" button. E.g., when the asteroid/comet hit the Earth and killed off the Dinosaurs, it almost completely renewed life on Earth, reptiles were no longer dominant, for a period, Giant Birds (the size of people) where dominant, and then mammals became dominant.
    Without that global disaster 65 million years ago, human life wouldn't have evolved, nor would alot of feline/canine life.
    #13 Dreaddraco2, Mar 4, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2010
  14. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    We are all gonna die eventually. Why would you burden yourself with all of this speculation, when instead you could be spending your time Forging amazing custom maps?
  15. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    The idea is that some people actually have a concern for sustaining humanity. Not sure why since we'll just kill ourselves eventually anyways but you know, kids and junk.
  16. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    I'm fairly sure that global warming is real. I live in Canada, where we quite a bit of snow. However, in the last few years, the amount of snow has slowly been decreasing. Of course, i don't even like snow, but still. Also, it's raining alot more during the summers, which is very sad face. :(

    Anyway, if all the ice caps melted, vast flatlands would drown, such as the Manhattan area, alot of Africa, Great Britain, and some of Asia.
    #16 Plasma Rifle Elite, Mar 4, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2010
  17. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    I think canadians worrying about global warming is like ants worrying about soil erosion.

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