MW2 lulz! & Discushhionzzz

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by B3NW, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    In terms of the relative quality of the games from both IW and trey. We can see that COD4 had a much higher rate of quality in gameplay and many other aspects which aren't necessary in mentioning than Trey. COD5 wasn't god damn awful, but on my **** meter it was pretty far down their kinda of like those boot-leg movies that promise quality for five bucks, but in the end you pop in the dvd and the sound is just unbearable, you hear popcorn munching, soda sipping in the background. Maybe even a voice that is audible, but most of the time it's in another language. Best of all the picture sucks and now since you've watched the first 15 minutes of the movie and because you spent five bucks you feel obligated to watch the movie. If you do watch the movie, not only do you not get quality you get crap and thus ruining the viewing experience of a regularly purchased DVD.

    Now, we have MW2 which in all of it's greatness has attracted the masses much like that of Halo:CE did to Halo 2. In H2 button glitches allow for quick and easy kills, along with double-shotting and quad-shotting. My focus is that they were glitches that were never fixed, not they were hard or easy to do. We can easily compare what Infinity Ward is going through by making an example of a small business growing into a big business. As a small business grows it needs to implement many different aspects of business. Eventually the two jobs the company had grows into three, then ten, 25,50, because of the volume of business being done. If the small business still only had two people they would not be able to expand. Now same thing with IW you take a popular game and then make a sequel that boasts itself to be better and more fun. This happens undoubtedly, as we've seen what happens in the video game market already. point is IW is going through growing pains. Sure, without the glitches the game would be better and more like COD4 minus everything new. However, IW is manning up and stepping to the plate and fixing these glitches. What do you guys think?
  2. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    agree. get off of infinity ward, modders are getting better and the glitches arent terrible. sure, the game has points where it pisses everybody off, but IW is trying their best to fix it. i think they have learned a lesson, and that in MW3 they will have the best game out their. maybe a tier 4 of perks with more counters.
  3. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    MW2 is a buggy exploitable pos where they rushed production and skipped beta testing in order to push a faulty product out the door for a couple million more sales.

    Will they learn from this? Hell no. Next game will be just as buggy and just as exploitable and they'll continue to rack in the millions thanks to video gamers who have no decency to say "Your product sucks and we're not going to buy it until you release something good". Just look at the EA and Madden/NCAA series. They've been using the same engine for years with little to no update, yet people shell out 60 dollars a year for the new rosters.

    They released a poor quality game and now have to frantically push out updates on a seemingly weekly basis to fix whatever new exploit comes out this week. They didn't take the time to do good security prevention to prevent the use of hacks and mods (not that they really could have seen JTAG coming, but they still should have know it was possible).

    Bungie on the other hand learned the hard way in halo 2 how even letting a few exploits slip through can completely destroy a games integrability, and as such they spent far longer developing a solid Halo 3 engine that could prevent a great deal of exploits by loading everything from the map file which is a forced download pre-game and other tricks to ensure that their game not only started exploit free, but remained exploit free even after years of players searching for ways to break it.

    I can only hope IW and Activision learn from their mistakes, but dollars speak louder than words and I feel like in the next 6 months when the next COD game comes out it will be just as plagued as the predecessor and it will sell just as hard.

    With that said MW2 is a fun and addicting game, it's too bad the rest of it is so crappy.
  4. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    i think that IW is tired of updating their games. they will most likely release public betas and stuff like that.

    off topic, i played with a guy named TK today. he is so lucky he got that GT.
  5. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    The only reason I won't get off IW's ass is because they chose not to release a public beta and said they had testers who would be able to find everything. HAHAH. apparantely, they didn't test enough considering the amount of glitches in the first few months of the game and the things that have been changed (mainly the ridiculous models and then they changed them and had to do it again because they forgot to include akimbo bling in the nerf).

    To above post. They better not be tired of updating the game. Its only been a few months. They still have another two years.

    Blame microsoft. Not bungie.
    #2225 DimmestBread, Feb 23, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2010
  6. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    i think that they are doing their best to fix it, and they should have released a public beta but didnt. what can they do now? at least they are trying to fix it.
  7. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I just can't seem to get out of my head the part where they said "We aren't releasing a public beta. WE ARE CONFIDENT OUR TESTERS WILL BE ABLE TO FIND EVERYTHING."

    they are trying to fix it, but it is ironic how long it takes. Also, I noticed when the first patch came out, it got rid of the care package glitch but it caused a new way to do it so they had to patch it again. Hopefully they will get it right. Although nothing bad seems to be happening so far since the recent patch.
  8. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    they need to get rid of the noobtoob attachment. a thumper is fine, since you are sacrificing a secondary for it. but the undermount is suck. i got a care package in search today, called it in, got noob toobed across the map, and died. it was an AC130 that the enemy team got, and he won the round because not many of us had coldblooded.
    #2228 xWooden leafx, Feb 23, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2010
  9. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Yeah, theres a lot of things that need out. AND DANGER CLOSE???? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING.
  10. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    When you have danger close, you loose the extra killing power from Stopping power, and or the mostly safeness from Killstreaks.
  11. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Nothing suffers from the majority of peoples gameplay without stopping power. I used to never use it and I only do now because of getting certain challenges, like steady aim pro and stopping power pro. And when you have a noob tube with one man army and danger close with an ac130, and also claymores, your set.
  12. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    N00b tube is not cheap, stop complaining, if they kill you without seeing you, chances are you killed him earlier and didnt move. Or he saw you on UAV.

    and Danger close is the same multiplier that stopping power is for bullets.
  13. J4M NUTST3R

    J4M NUTST3R Ancient
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    My two Cents:

    So i've come to a decision that this game was 'over-balanced' so to speak. CoD4 was un-balanced as hell, but it was so fun because everyone used the overpowered things (Martyrdom, Juggernaut, Choppers, The M16 etc.) and i never once got as annoyed as i do at MW2. With MW2, i can't play well enough, because there is always someone who has something that can better what i have. There are so many combinations of things, and 'over-balanced' playstyles that I would have to play the game over and over and prestige over and over before I could actually start to play as well as i could in CoD4.
  14. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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  15. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    QFT.... I have been playing cod4 on pc lately, it's soo much more fun. I'm a ****ing monster with ak-47 silenced.

    I do crave mw2 though, it's sad.
  16. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    I agree about the "No Public Beta" Part, or ANY Beta for that matter. I've noticed since the Model's that got nerfed in the patch, that when they nerf one thing, another thing comes along to replace it. It's like a never-ending wave of glitches and bugs and ****.

    Got my first Nuke yesterday!! Wasteland, Quick-Scoping, Thermal Scope (Since it was on Wasteland, only map I really use it on other than Underpass.) I got like 5 Chopper Gunners yesterday, I was DETERMINED to get a Nuke. A game before, I was knifing and got to 20 - 0 and got blown the **** up by a Claymore. I WAS PISSED, not as much as SCOBRA though. A game after my Nuke, I was knifing again and went 55 - 20. :3
  17. Spawn of Saltine

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    Mini Uzi w/ thermal scope =) Im coming up with retarted classes and trying them out. I actually took out the whole enemy team when i was last man standing in SnD, so its not a terrible gun. It's definitely unexpected.
  18. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Scobra prolly left MW2 cuz he couldn't get a nuke.
  19. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    mini uzi thermal sounds funny. i ****ing raped in search today guise. and i <3 looking legit with quickscopes in gamewinning killcams.
    how much of quickscopes were they graphix? like you dont even have any time to look around quickscopes, or like scope in, aim shoot, just all really fast. because if you got those no-look quickscopes than you are ****ing legit for getting a nuke with them. i got the nuke emblem, no boosting. just camping :D getting a nuke is easy if you can just sit in one place in a game of domination long enough to get ur harrier. if you are in ground war on an open map, than you will rape.
  20. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    mini uzi thermal sounds funny. i ****ing raped in search today guise. and i <3 looking legit with quickscopes in gamewinning killcams.
    how much of quickscopes were they graphix? like you dont even have any time to look around quickscopes, or like scope in, aim shoot, just all really fast. because if you got those no-look quickscopes than you are ****ing legit for getting a nuke with them. i got the nuke emblem, no boosting. just camping :D getting a nuke is easy if you can just sit in one place in a game of domination long enough to get ur harrier. if you are in ground war on an open map, than you will rape.

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