Pre-DLC The Duo Exitium Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Hunter85792, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    Duo Exitium
    Duo Exitium: Latin for "Two Destruction" (cause latin doesn't have a word for explosion or bomb).

    One day, one of my friends (who was playing MW2), said "Hey wouldn't it be cool to be able to play Search and Destroy in Halo?" and I replied with "Yeah, why don't we make it?"
    The object of the game is to plant the bomb. You have to places to plant it at though, so the defenders have their work cut out for them. Radars are off so the only reason for you to crouch is to muffle your footsteps from your friends wearing TurtleBeaches.
    The weapon list for the maps are fairly limited because I really hate clone weapons. Also, all weapons do not respawn. That's about it for basic info.

    Changes from regular Assault
    Arm Time: 10 Seconds
    Fuse Time: 30 Seconds
    Disarm Time: 10 Seconds
    Match Time: 5 Minutes
    Rounds: 6

    Shield Recharge: 50%
    Damage: 150%
    Main Weapon: Assault Rifle
    Secondary: Magnum
    Grenade Start: None
    Motion Sensor: Off
    Headshots: Off

    Respawn Time: 30 Seconds
    Respawn Wave: Yes
    Lives: 4

    Now I'll explain it all. The bomb stats are all basic. The Weapon/Damage is a bit more complicated. With these settings, Assault Rifles kill in about a half clip to three quarters of a clip (burst firing). Battle Rifles kill in four body shots and a Sniper is a instant kill. The respawn setting is there to add tactility. You have to wait 30 seconds to respawn, but if one of your team mates only has 6 seconds left, you'll spawn with him. The lives are so that you don't just waste 'em.

    Guardian DE
    Link: Here
    This is the smallest map in the Duo Pack. Suited for 4-8 players (Optimal Number: 6).

    Marine Expeditionary Force C/5 (MEF C/5) arrived at this location to study the Forerunner relics buried on the ground floor. They never returned. Now two forces called the Protectors and the Zealots vie to either protect the data left here or destroy it.

    Shotgun/Sniper Rifle spawn. Sniper also has one Frag placed by it.

    Rocket spawn is where Shotty used to be.

    Plant Point Alpha is under the Gold Lifter. Also of note (not pictured) is that one of the holes by the Lifter is blocked off.

    Plant Point Bravo is up here. I blocked off the door to stop easy jumps between the objectives.

    This is where the attackers spawn at the start.

    Weapons List
    Weapon-Extra Clips-On Map
    Assault Rifle-1 Clip-6
    Battle Rifle-1 Clip-3
    SMG-1 Clip-4
    Magnum-1 Clip-2
    Sniper Rifle-1 Clip-1
    Shotgun-1 Clip-1
    Rocket Launcher-0 Clips-1
    Fragmentation Grenades-9

    High Ground DE
    Link: Here
    High Ground is the one in the middle. No small, not big. It's best suited for 8-12 Players (Optimal is 8).

    Battle Group 4/G was stationed here before the New Mombassa Slipspace Event. When the cruiser jumped BG 4/G was assigned to Mombassa for security detail. Now the Protectors and Zealots fight over the data left behind.

    The Defenders' Sniper is placed over their command center.

    The Defenders' Shotgun is placed in this room at the far end.

    Rockets replace the Spartan Laser.

    The second Sniper replaces the old Rockets. The Attackers have a better chance of getting to this power weapon.

    The Attackers' Shotgun is in it's default location.

    Plant Point Alpha is under the pipe.

    Plant Point Bravo is in the large room under and beside the Defenders' Shotgun spawn.

    The Attackers spawn here. They're equipped with one Mongoose.

    Weapon List
    Weapon-Extra Clips-On Map
    Assault Rifle-1 Clip-9
    Battle Rifle-1 Clip-4
    SMG-1 Clip-4
    Magnum-1 Clip-3
    Sniper Rifle-1 Clip-2
    Shotgun-1 Clip-2
    Rocket Launcher-0 Clips-1
    Fragmentation Grenades-7

    Last Resort DE
    Last Resort is the big boy and it's suited for large parties. Best suited for 12-16 Player (Optimum: 14).

    Generator 34/2 was repurposed for combat ops in 2550. During the New Mombassa Slipspace Event, the militia was transfered to Mombassa to aid in the evacuation, leaving behind important data. The Protectors set up defenses, but the Zealots were close on their tails...

    Sniper numero uno is in it's default location.

    Dos is up above where it normally spawns.

    The single Shotgun is also in it's default spawn.

    The Rocket launcher replaces the Spartan Laser in this map as well.

    Plant Point Alpha is over here by the hole.

    Plant Point Beta is on top.

    The Attackers spawn at the beach. At their disposal are two Mongooses/geese.

    Weapons List
    Weapon-Extra Clips-On Map
    Assault Rifle-1 Clip-7
    Battle Rifle-1 Clip-4
    SMG-1 Clip-8
    Sniper Rifle-1 Clip-2
    Shotgun-1 Clip-1
    Rocket Launcher-0 Clips-1
    Fragmentation Grenades-10
    Human Turret-1

    Cold Storage DE
    Cold Storage was made after the other three. It's the smallest map (in terms of routes you can take) and arguably the most intense. It's suitable for 4-6 Players (Optimum: 4)

    The Protectors are using the Forerunner power sources to defend their bases. Without them, they'll be powerless against the Zealots. Each is highly explosive though so be careful.

    This is where the attackers spawn. Also of note (not pictured), is that the door leading into the other room (on the ground floor) is blocked off.

    Plant point Alpha is here. Either the Attackers or Defenders can gain the upper hand by dropping down from above.

    Plant point Alpha is up here by where Sniper and Camo used to be.

    This is where the Shotgun spawns.

    This is a confusing shot. It's taken as if you're the Rocket launcher because I could never get a good shot. Also, you can see the barricade across the middle.

    Weapon List
    Weapon-Extra Clips-On Map
    Assault Rifle-1 Clip-5
    Battle Rifle-1 Clip-1
    SMG-1 Clip-4
    Shotgun-1 Clip-1
    Rocket Launcher-0 Clips-1
    Fragmentation Grenades-4

    Please Download, play, critique, and comment. I'm going to try for Atlas (Shiska's group for matchmaking submissions), so any help towards that goal would be appreciated.
    #1 Hunter85792, Feb 23, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2010
  2. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Very good, ive been trying to do this myself for awhile but haven't gotten to it. I'm interested in the respawn waves you mentioned. Never really seen many people use that concept and i think it would make gameplay more team based for sure. Now there i'm guessing there is respawning because Halo obviously works differently than CoD. Did you test it out with no respawning?

    Anyway, good job. Love how its on pre-dlc which i think would work better for this anyway but my favorite is the Last Resort one :)
  3. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is a really cool idea. The only problem I could see happening would be the turret cases under the plant points getting moved by grenades, leaving the plant points floating in the air. It's cool that this is on pre-dlc but I would also love to see maps on Blackout, Longshore, Ghost Town, and Orbital.
  4. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    Yeah, respawning was one thing we always had trouble with. If we set it to no lives, we'd just kill each other constantly and no one would ever plant the bomb. Wave spawn definelty make it more team based (and friggin' intense!). We experimented a bit, and came up with the current formula (30 second respawn, wave spawn, 5 minute match). It worked really well so we kept it. I've planned out a few more (Cold Storage is in the fileset) some of which are DLC (answer bellow).

    Actually, the grenades don't move it. The plant point is affixed to the case so that it doesn't move as explosions go off around it.
    I was going to make one on Blackout but decided on Guardian instead, Longshore I hadn't considered (but good idea, I'll draw up a plan), I've started on Ghost Town. I dunno about Orbital though. I guess I could give it a try...
  5. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    And I see in your sig that youre making one on sandtrap. Will that have more vehicles such as warthogs? And it would be cool to have a plant point on an Elephant. Hell, Ill try one on Blackout if you dont. I think the human maps match the gametype more than Forerunner/Covenant maps as far as atmosphere.
  6. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    Yup. I'm still deciding on using Sandtrap or Sandtarp. So far I have 1 Warthog and a Mongoose for the attackers and a Mongoose for the Attackers. I'll probably play around with the vehicles during testing though. I'll probably make a Blackout one after, I'm just working on the ones I haven't done one on yet (Guardian and Blackout being almost identical in terms of general layout).
  7. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Wow, this looks great! I really like when someone has something that resembles originality, and puts some decent thought into their map and gametypes. Unfortunately I'm sad to say I'm at school now and can't test out this map right now; it's in my download queue and I'll be trying it out later tonight when I get home. If you want to jump in on that (or anyone reading this), send me a message. It'll probably be about 9 PM EST.
  8. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    Won't be able to join. That's 3 AM over here and I'm gonna crash early tonight. :-(
  9. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Oh, that's alright. I will definitely put my thoughts down in the thread when we finish.
  10. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    wow this looks really cool. id love to help making some maps for the map pack. i have some good ideas i could put into the maps. for example, have "classes" this way it is most like COD. pretty much all you gotta do to have classes is have each team start on a spawn box, then have 4 chambers with teleporters to the battlefeild, that also have 4 different weapon sets and there you go haha. once again if you want any help with those maps or need ideas just add me.
  11. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    I like the idea of adding S&D on Halo. My only problem, it works well on COD because COD is built differently, which is why Halo and COD can never really be compared well. It ends up just being a stupid fanboy fight. It would work well if you put lots of cover in places, I'm not sure if you did, but I would suggest making a city in Sandbox with lots of rooms and cover, it would help make the game run better. Otherwise, it's basically taking assault and making it like Spartans going on Spartans with no shields. Just like the old days when the finished training...ahhhh. I think it would work well on maps, and I like seeing that it takes a couple shots to kill eachother, one shot kills are lame on Halo.
  12. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    I did think about that, but I didn't want to make a direct copy of Search and Destroy, I just wanted to Haloise it. Thanks for the offer though.

    Please play the game before making a comment like this... It's definitely not one shot kills. It takes half an Assault Rifle clip at near point blank range. If you burst fire at a medium ranged enemy you can usually take him down in 3/4 of a clip. And you have shields, they just recharge at 50%. As said above, I just wanted to Haloise Search and Destroy, not make a direct copy in Halo.
    #12 Hunter85792, Feb 24, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2010
  13. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Looks very interesting. I'm gonna download and play it, and if I enjoy it enough, could I attempt to make a map on sandbox that could play this? It would most likely been enclosed for the most part, but I would try and make it feel landscaped like if it had hills and what not to keep that kinda of feel to it.
  14. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    Yeah, sure. If you use the gametype, just give me credit.
  15. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Alright cool, will do on the giving credit, was gonna do that regardless. I am trying to make it kinda like Quarry. Trying atleast :p. Idk how the Quarry thing will go, but I'm crossing my fingers.

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