I understand that some people find Team Doubles tricky. So I did my research and putted all that I knew into this one file on this website. I know it isn't as good as many other Halo 3 websites, but I found this website helps people the most. http://halowiki.net/p/Team_Doubles_s...guide_and_tips
Uh oh, here comes Brute's ego . That website has actually helped me out some, but most of the strategies are pretty basic. The doubles playlist is my favorite and is my chance at getting 50 since I can't get it in MLG because the competition is so dang tough after you get to level 20.
well i'm like 12 so i think i'll check it out cause when your playing with a partner who is like 5-6 levels higher than you, after a while it can get frustrating getting paired with tougher opponents than your supposed to. if that makes sense.
I agree with you completely Ivory. I haven't really played much ranked games on Halo 3, More custom games and forge.. But I played some team slayer with Creep1ng De4th and Lightsout a few nights ago, and let's just say I not a very happy person playing against level 40's.. So I feel your pain my friend..
"Communications in this playlist is essential" And with this breath i curse every mic-less bast-censored- on xbox live. Meh i go in ith my mate with the ever so creative GT:Cathal Ahern and it goes rather swimmingly As texas said some of this stuff is quite ovious but they never pointed out you should always get a mate you know in with you. Try comvincng one of those "l337" players "not" to go for the rockets in the pit....may aswell try to get blood form a stone while your at it.
i get the whole communications thing, and that works well, because i used to go into the playlist alone and get paired with strangers so i would continuously go down ranks, but now that i'm playing with wii, i haven't stopped going up.
Usually I'm sitting next to my doubles partner. I don't really trust anyone else. But it also just so happens my doubles partner usually sucks, so he's kinda the martyr. He rushes in, takes down some shield, dies, then I sweep in for a double. Not really a great strategy, but for every 1 point they get I end up getting 2. Doesnt always work though.
Nice but my brother never listens he just goes "G0 f0r P0w3Rz WE4P0NZ" runs in and gets killed, and then we end up getting owned because my brother just keeps on doing that
I was trying to get my 50 in Lone Wolves for a while. Maybe I'll start trying again at some point, but as I usually only play with friends on live now, it's unlikely. Anyways, to discuss the actual topic of this thread, I agree that the strategies ARE pretty basic, but...the simple things aren't always obvious to some.
simple things like ambushing and cover fire are critical. this was in BTB but the principle is still the same: my friend had just got hold of the bomb in the centre of avalanche, then the enemy hornet came round the corner, i fired off random snipes and shots to annoy him, the hornet turned to face me and my friend jumped into a warthog straight away. i died, but we ended up winning the game 3-0 by diostracting the other team, the best one was when i drove an empty warthog into the base over the man cannon whilst my friend and his 2 man escort came around the side and planted the bomb. this principle works for odd ball and as well, not so much for VIP.
Look at my fileshare here The clip called "doubles" has a nice idea of what "I" think a doubles team should play like.He uses the over shield to keep them busy at a shield in snowbound while i sneak around and ambush them .That was a good day
you are one sexy, short, tactition. that's the kinda thing i like, thinking in the moment. i'm alright at it but normally i fail at the execution.
Hehe .Not so much tactics tbh.I spawned in the base ans knew there were over there.And with snowbounds "supa l337" shield doors it was obviously one of those annoying standoffs
I personally play doubles with my friend... I hate going in randomly after I got teamed up with this decent player, but with a massive ego... and cause my rank ain't too hot he kept shouting abuse at me from the word go. :/
thats what happens to me alot, it can get really annoying sometimes, i mean it's annoying to be matched with lower ranked players, but complaining doesn't help.
I love doing stuff like the empty warthog. I always get the pistols on guardian and launch them up to confuse the other team on snipe tower.